impossible to start theJules Verne record race
Post by iconPost by peatflyer | 2024-12-24 | 22:07:24

When I start up our site (Jules Verne)iN the beginning I get the statement that there must be tested if I AM A HUMAN.
My old computer hesitated then for just 1 second, then runs on again Everything ok
Just a day ago I bought a new one and with this one everything is stopped

Has someone met with this problem and what is the remedy?


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Post by iconPost by Rusty Guts | 2024-12-25 | 22:27:11
Since they changed the program, my old comp would also take a moment, and then get past it. I now have a new computer, and it also gets me in. How-ever, since the last update, it takes time, and it is a computer hog,(the game).
But since they started this new platform, I cannot get past the "are you a robot", screen on my Android tablet, or phone. Maybe VR will read this and fix it.

I wonder if anyone else has Android issues getting into the game.
Post by iconPost by peatflyer | 2024-12-27 | 12:26:23
I did nothing special, but everything is ok now
Thanks Peatflyer
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