Better mobile support and maybe better user experience?
Post by iconPost by FredTheTurtle | 2021-07-31 | 08:35:10

Zezo is a wonderful little tool that can be used to finish the race 10 days before your friends, and maybe help you finish first place.

But, as a general mobile user, I am a little sad to see my computer friends just click on a race and get their location directly on zezo. This problem is fixed on some other knock off mobile routers. Indeed, they suck at routing, but they can get your location very well. You just have to type in your in game email and username and the position of your boat updates automatically.

One day, I hope zezo can program this tuff task in to his router.

So, maybe you could create a zezo app and since the Weather4VR app copied you, you could copy them.

An app that could track your position would be great, or even a website, but optimised for mobile. Maybe a new system could be added with the computer users. They would just type in their in game name and email and bam! Or it could be a different way (work your magic).

I thank all of you working at zezo and zezo himself for this wonderful tool.

commenticon 2 Comments
Post by iconPost by MidnightFoiler | 2021-08-07 | 00:44:29
Trouble is those other routers have no doubt made some deal with VR, VR seem to have got them on board I think and so been given access to do that. It's not the the same for Cvetan ... there is history but I'll let him say if he wants ... let's say VR have not cooperated with him.
Post by iconPost by MidnightFoiler | 2021-08-07 | 00:47:25
Having just started using an iPad Pro at night I have discovered that for some reason it is really hard to click the black dots - harder than on my Android phone.

I think a simple change that would make life easier on mobile is if when you select the position entry controls that the whole number is selected automatically so that you can simply type over the existing number rather than delete (possibly before and after wherever the cursor ends up).

Also really nice would be a button on the dot info box to show the next one.
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