User Interface re-organization bug + add info

Good Morning Team,
1. Thanks for what you are doing!!!
2. Fleet page ->DTF bug: In races like #VG the DTF often for the fleet it has showed between (), probably a small bug of imaginary/negative value in the subtraction while the "reference-account" value is correct (to solve partially the problem I click all boats on the #VRo map so #zezo update the info but not always)
3. Fleet page ->ETA missing + DTF missing: Is it possible to have the column of the ETA also for normal regattas like now in #VG (not only for recods)? as for record events, have the column of the DTF? because it will be very useful in the discussion between members of the team and strategy
4. Race page -> may I suggest to re-group the columns with boat and wind section together, so the awareness is faster, in this order: ...-HDG-SpeedVRo-AngleVRo-SailType-TWD-TWS-Foils-....
5. Fleet page ->It's still missing the fregate on the list
Thanks a Lot, stay safe
Alex p.

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