Hi there,
I am having trouble since 7h to enter the Vendee Globe race.
I can enter into my account, see the races, then I select VG and get stuck on the next blue screen with the VG logo.
This happens regardless of the platform, Android but also on a MAC on Chrome (where I use the Zezo extension) and Safari.
I already tried:
- loggin out and in
- changing password
- deleting cookies
- and of course writing twice to the assistance (I am VIP), but no answer so far.
As the problems occurs after clicking on the VG race, I have access to the Dashboard, where I can see my data and also the fleet ones.
- Is there a way to make a programming or to give an order (a tack) to the server from outside the game client?
- Is there any other suggestion you have to solve this very annoying issue?
Thank you all!
Paolo (Paul Shore)

Post by
BooBill | 2021-01-02 | 11:16:11
Controlling your boat through anything but the VR interface is a violation of the terms of service. I've heard some rumours that it has been done, so it is possible, but was deemed illegal.
There is one exception that I can think of. VR seems to allow the router they have partnered with to directly program the boat. The iPhone version of that is Weather4VR. Can't remember the Android version, and I don't think there's anything that runs in a browser. Of course, that's not you controlling the boat, just accepting their routing (not Zezo's) and letting them program it.

Post by
Paul Shore | 2021-01-02 | 13:53:15
Hi BooBill,
honestly, I would have used an alternative, even an illegal one, to VR interface only as a reaction to its impossible access.
Thank you also for mentioning the legal alternative through "their" router. We have discussed many times here the superiority of Zezo, but in an emergency situation it could come handy.
All the best fo your VG!

Post by
BooBill | 2021-01-02 | 14:29:23
I've mentioned before the importance of having backups. I have 3 different devices on different OS's to access the game. My biggest issue isn't being locked out by VR, but the game crashing my mac. I think it's a hardware problem on my end with my graphics card, but entering the race is always a risky point for me.
Another thing I do to cut stress in those situations is to program my boat well beyond the next weather update. That serves two purposes, first it cuts stress if I ever have an access problem. Second, it gives me a bank of carefully set TWA adjustments of precise TWA program moves. If I want to make adjustments on the fly, it's usually a matter of just adjusting times.