Ice limit changed
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-11-15 | 11:13:56

The ice limits were moved a bit somewhere in the past few days. Thanks to Babounek for noticing and notifying me.

Back in sync now.

commenticon 18 Comments
Post by iconPost by vg78fr | 2020-11-15 | 13:05:43
Have you a WP list for defining Ice Limit as we found here in the past ?
Thanks to all contributor and in particlar to zezo guru !
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2020-11-15 | 13:12:39

0: {lat: -56, lon: -180}
1: {lat: -56.4167, lon: -175}
2: {lat: -56.25, lon: -170}
3: {lat: -55.6667, lon: -165}
4: {lat: -54.75, lon: -160}
5: {lat: -53.9167, lon: -155}
6: {lat: -53.6667, lon: -150}
7: {lat: -53.6667, lon: -145}
8: {lat: -53.6667, lon: -140}
9: {lat: -53.6667, lon: -135}
10: {lat: -53.9167, lon: -130}
11: {lat: -54.0833, lon: -125}
12: {lat: -54.25, lon: -120}
13: {lat: -54.6667, lon: -115}
14: {lat: -55.25, lon: -110}
15: {lat: -55.75, lon: -105}
16: {lat: -56.25, lon: -100}
17: {lat: -57, lon: -95}
18: {lat: -57.75, lon: -90}
19: {lat: -58.5, lon: -85}
20: {lat: -59, lon: -80}
21: {lat: -58.75, lon: -75}
22: {lat: -58, lon: -70}
23: {lat: -57, lon: -65}
24: {lat: -56, lon: -60}
25: {lat: -55, lon: -55}
26: {lat: -50, lon: -50}
27: {lat: -47.5, lon: -45}
28: {lat: -46, lon: -40}
29: {lat: -44.5, lon: -35}
30: {lat: -44, lon: -30}
31: {lat: -43.5, lon: -25}
32: {lat: -43.5, lon: -20}
33: {lat: -43.5, lon: -15}
34: {lat: -44, lon: -10}
35: {lat: -44.5, lon: -5}
36: {lat: -44.5, lon: 0}
37: {lat: -44.6667, lon: 5}
38: {lat: -44.8333, lon: 10}
39: {lat: -45, lon: 15}
40: {lat: -45.1667, lon: 20}
41: {lat: -45.25, lon: 25}
42: {lat: -45.3333, lon: 30}
43: {lat: -45.9167, lon: 35}
44: {lat: -46.5833, lon: 40}
45: {lat: -47.25, lon: 45}
46: {lat: -47.9167, lon: 50}
47: {lat: -48.75, lon: 55}
48: {lat: -49.6667, lon: 60}
49: {lat: -50.5833, lon: 65}
50: {lat: -50.9167, lon: 70}
51: {lat: -50.9167, lon: 75}
52: {lat: -50.6667, lon: 80}
53: {lat: -50.4167, lon: 85}
54: {lat: -50, lon: 90}
55: {lat: -49, lon: 95}
56: {lat: -47.75, lon: 100}
57: {lat: -46, lon: 105}
58: {lat: -46, lon: 110}
59: {lat: -46, lon: 115}
60: {lat: -46, lon: 120}
61: {lat: -48.8333, lon: 125}
62: {lat: -50.75, lon: 130}
63: {lat: -51.9167, lon: 135}
64: {lat: -52.25, lon: 140}
65: {lat: -52.4167, lon: 145}
66: {lat: -52.75, lon: 150}
67: {lat: -53.25, lon: 155}
68: {lat: -53.8333, lon: 160}
69: {lat: -54.25, lon: 165}
70: {lat: -54.8333, lon: 170}
71: {lat: -55.4167, lon: 175}
72: {lat: -56, lon: 180}

Post by iconPost by vg78fr | 2020-11-15 | 14:13:55
Top !
Post by iconPost by mermol2 | 2020-11-15 | 15:41:31

If needed you can have the file for qtVLM here:

Post by iconPost by crazyeight | 2020-12-07 | 15:54:23
Outstanding. Thank you for sharing that.
Post by iconPost by ElectricBanana | 2020-11-15 | 23:45:00
File works !
Thx Mermol !

Post by iconPost by vg78fr | 2020-11-16 | 02:39:56
@mermol2 : thx, i already imported them one by one.
Post by iconPost by mermol2 | 2020-11-30 | 15:58:57
New ZEA for qtVLM:
Post by iconPost by bikeinside | 2020-12-04 | 11:26:19
Is there a new update, the current ZEA looks in qtVLM different then in zezo and VR?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-12-05 | 17:26:08
Last change was on the 1st of December. Game still serves the same ice limit.
Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-12-10 | 11:51:37
The ice limit has been moved by the race comitee this morning. They've moved it a few degrees further south. Did you have this information? I'll try to fnd the precise new coord. I do not know if VR will apply it?
Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-12-10 | 12:01:02
Macquarie Island (SW of New Zealand) that was south of the ZEA before is now north of the ZEA on the vendee globe map. Still south of ZEA in VR game.
Post by iconPost by NumeroDixTV | 2020-12-10 | 12:13:53
Yes they just changed the ZEA in the real race by 3°S. Let's see what happens in VR :)
Post by iconPost by yklg | 2020-12-10 | 12:49:20
Hi, I just heard this news, what VR decides ? is somebody knews ?

Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-12-10 | 13:29:55
I've read on VR forum from VRs forum moderator that the ice limit won't be changed in the game. We are to close to modify it. We'll have to check that.

Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-12-10 | 13:31:54
I've just reconnected the game and they did not change it yet (and if what i read is true they should not change it).
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-12-10 | 13:50:29
I've checked the RC kml. They better change it within the next 20 minutes or so. The deciding point is right at the end of the straight part.
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2020-12-10 | 16:26:14
It seems that the southern part of the route is still disabled, starting at 137W. Perhaps it would already be necessary to decide how to manage the next depression.
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