Zezo grib
Post by iconPost by PRAMAC | 2025-02-01 | 13:45:33


first of all thank you for maintaining this wonderful tool that is zezo for so many years. Would you agree to share a link to download the grib 0.25 file or give us access to the base of the script so that I can create the grib on my side. My goal is not commercial...I only want to check if Adrena is capable of routing differently from zezo, at worst I would just need a file once to compare.

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Post by iconPost by PRAMAC | 2025-02-02 | 16:03:57
Hello, without any response, I am continuing my investigation.
I managed to create a script that allows me to download the GRIB files from the game. However, I don’t understand which files to use for the first three timestamps (0, 3, 6). I also don’t understand how to create the final GRIB after transitioning between the old and new data.
Post by iconPost by PRAMAC | 2025-02-02 | 19:33:38

I finally succeed using your javascript file ton create a correct file, always few degrees and knots lost or win compare to your reference data....

Is VR store somwhere .webp files or what is the logical for manipulate gribs file to .webp, i understand you must recalculate data for minimum low wind but i can't understand perfectly
Post by iconPost by PRAMAC | 2025-02-06 | 12:40:33
the value of "minu" and "minv" seems to be dynamically constructed...does anyone have any information or values ​​to share with me regarding this value, thank you

Post by iconPost by latruffe | 2025-02-06 | 13:47:23
Apparently retrieving the grib files from the game is not the best approach :the grib files used for the actual calculation on the server side are the GFS files, when the ones used in the interface are �simplified�. Not sure if it is true or not, hence the conditional. Best is probably to identify the files consumed by VR and redownload them from NOAA. As long as it exists.

Also VR only uses the file T+009 and T+012. Others are not used.
Post by iconPost by jacme31 | 2025-02-18 | 13:00:16
Personally I download the noaa files and assemble them as VR does (combinations of steps 9 and 12).
I compared the values ​​of u10, v10 and tws, twd on points of the grib mesh (to avoid spatial interpolation) at different times with esail4VR (the easiest tool for manual wind surveys). I quickly saw that the temporal interpolation is done on the u, v values ​​(and not tws, twd) but to have values ​​that coincide perfectly I had to modify the "scaling" of the noaa data (dec_scale=-2 bin_scale=6 nbits=7).
For information the gribs retrieved from the game interface have the same precision.
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