iPad usage
Post by iconPost by Waynesworld | 2022-09-07 | 13:15:21

I read somewhere that you can now use an iPad with zero and VR offshore. I have an iPad Pro (latest versions) and am struggling to link zero and VR off shore together. I cannot get the z logo to appear in the toolbar. Can someone help me in simple mans language on how to do it?

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Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2022-09-08 | 02:16:09
I don't have a full answer for you, but one thing everyone needs to understand is that you're actually talking about three different things:

-VR Offshore is the game.
-Zezo is the router accessible via zezo.org, developed by Cvetan.
-The Dashboard is a tool you can install on a desktop computer running Chrome, developed by Hardtack. Dashboard is not Zezo. And Dashboard is not required to run Zezo.

You can use Zezo on any device, including a phone, by simply browsing to Zezo.org, accessing the race through the home page, and keying in your coordinates. (And specifying your boat's options and choosing your destination).

Dashboard has a very nice capability to click on a routing button and be directed into a Zezo page. But... That capability is a convenience, not a requirement.

So... I think the actual question being asked here is whether or not Dashboard can run on an iPad. That's a different question... I don't have the answer to that question. I think it may be possible with a browser app that emulates a desktop computer's Chrome browser, but I'm not sure.
Post by iconPost by Baker | 2022-09-13 | 15:25:54
Hi,unfortunately, for what I know, the dashboard extension does not work with the iPad browsers.
Regarding zezo, as a router, it works on the iPhone, it does not work on the iPad.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2022-11-05 | 10:28:40
iPad safari presents itself as desktop browser since iOS 15 or so.

You can:

1) Request the mobile site in the settings menu (Aa icon)
2) Go to http://m.zezo.org
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