Los Angeles - Honolulu
Post by iconPost by QueenTeen | 2021-04-12 | 14:43:32

Hi all,

For the next record Los Angeles - Honolulu, will there a table with predicted race durations depending on departure times ? Like the Jules Verne trophy ?

Thank you very much

commenticon 25 Comments
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-04-12 | 14:53:24
The trouble is that there's no way to know what type of boat the event will use until it actually opens. Cvetan sometimes opens one of these events early so that the table can be seen, but it will be with an assumed boat... If the actual boat is different, then the table (and all of the initial routings) will be incorrect. And... the event opens at midnight UTC. I'm not sure what time that is for Cvetan, but I think it's probably 2 or 3 AM. So he usually sorts out the correct boat type and cleans things up the next day... So it may be several hours after the event opens before Zezo is running with the correct boat.

But... It's a short race with a fairly long start window, so it is unlikely that the best start time will be immediately after opening. For the moment, it looks like the race course will have typically nice downwind conditions at the start. So an early run might be fun and might look good for a while, but it's likely that heavier conditions will arise eventually that will outperform anything available in the first day.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-04-13 | 20:58:19
In case it's helpful when assessing the quality of a start time...

2019 was in Ultimes. I'm not sure if they were the fully crewed +10% version or the basic version. Winning time was 85:15.

2020 was in Supermaxi Monos. Polars actually very similar to the Ultim until 20 kts windspeed, but then the Ultim sails away in heavier wind. Winning time was 114:35.

It will be interesting to see what boat they run it with this year. Sometimes I think it would be fun if they ran it with something like a Caravel (from the Magellan races), or better yet, Hermione, for anyone who remembers those races. But perhaps those boats would go from fun to not fun after a few days. Mini 650s?

Unlikely, though. It'll probably be Supermaxi monos or Ultimes.
Post by iconPost by 7 SEAS | 2021-04-14 | 18:37:11
We will find out tonight
Post by iconPost by Marty6 | 2021-04-15 | 00:08:31
Super Maxi 100 it is
Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-15 | 00:15:42
This is where I joined the VR Offshore world in 2020, watching Your Mom SA spank us all before I had a clue how it all worked. :-)
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-04-15 | 02:19:42
First reasonable start window is this weekend by the look of it.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-04-15 | 03:45:13
Yeah... I love starting immediately when these events open, just to try to be the first finisher, but... I also hate restarting, and decided this weekend's window looked good enough that I'd rather not be halfway to Honolulu. I doubt this weekend's window will be the winner, but it should produce the early leader.
Post by iconPost by SlyStarLeRetour | 2021-04-15 | 03:48:52
the floor is yours :)
Post by iconPost by okeanos44 | 2021-04-15 | 07:45:20
bonjour , il n' y a pas de zezo pour cette tentative de record ????
Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-15 | 18:45:53
That window is getting worse.
Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-16 | 07:31:49
Better again!
Post by iconPost by Paspox | 2021-04-15 | 09:55:44

Not sure it belongs here but it's a quick question : during an attempt, is there an option to give up (if you realize that you wont make a good time) or do you have to complete the attempt in order to try again ?
Post by iconPost by From | 2021-04-15 | 10:00:43
U can, but you have t pay 1000 credits for that.
Post by iconPost by Paspox | 2021-04-15 | 10:05:38
Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-18 | 20:48:47
At short notice a few have bitten the bullet this afternoon for a better window with a predicted 3-4 hours shorter forecast as the window improved from previous forecasts. For one pier123 who was on a run ahead of me.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2021-04-15 | 15:24:22
Added. Looks like the first window is in two days.
Post by iconPost by L-Oustal_ST | 2021-04-15 | 16:45:09
Merci !
Post by iconPost by From | 2021-04-16 | 09:14:32
Hi Cvetan, and tx :) Any specific reason for the big blue lines every 6 hours instead of 3 on this race? Or will it be the new way u do it?
Post by iconPost by 43South | 2021-04-15 | 22:00:10
Dashboard (Call Polars):
Note that this link is bringing up the polars for Tara v2. In the interim I have been manually using the 'China Sea Trophy'(Super maxi 100)polars.
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2021-04-16 | 09:50:46

This is because the actual "Los Angeles - Honolulu" race is not yet added to the list in the Polars App.
I'm doing it right now ; it should be OK in a few minutes.

BTW, you also had the previous "LA - Honolulu" race in the list : http://toxcct.free.fr/polars/?race_id=427.1


Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-15 | 23:16:23
Are Predicted Times not updating?
Post by iconPost by 43South | 2021-04-16 | 00:22:37
My ERT has been updating (for better or for worse).

Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-16 | 00:25:29
Thanks, David, getting some joy now, if a little later than expected.
Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-04-18 | 20:48:56
At short notice a few have bitten the bullet this afternoon for a better window with a predicted 3-4 hours shorter forecast as the window improved from previous forecasts. For one pier123 who was on a run ahead of me.
Post by iconPost by nzlpilot | 2021-04-19 | 15:18:00
The good thing about starting and aborting is that you can at least see how much improved. I am 147' better than first attempt in 24 hours!
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