All.grib 0.0k ?
Post by iconPost by Ben | 2020-10-26 | 09:53:44

All.grib 2020-Oct-26 00:00:04 0.0K application/octet-stream

Weird isn't it?

commenticon 8 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-10-26 | 10:53:22
I've stopped the grib download process because the game is stuck on Friday 18Z.
Post by iconPost by Ben | 2020-10-26 | 10:56:11

ok. This is related to topic "NOMADS maintenance tomorrow" i guess?

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-10-26 | 11:13:59
Probably. The maintenance broke some of the data access services. I'm using plain https access and can still get the data, but it's useless right now.
Post by iconPost by Ben | 2020-10-26 | 11:15:58
OK, Thank's
Post by iconPost by Shelisteam | 2021-01-22 | 18:32:21
Is any difference between all.grib and gfs or other models or which are same? What model is takes into account in the game?
Does the all grib contens waves forecast? Does the game take currents into account?
Does the game take waves into account?

I dont want to start new topic - so I put them here


Post by iconPost by zezo | 2021-01-22 | 18:39:07
GRIB is just a data format. Like .jpg or .zip

all.grib is GFS. As is the game. It's the only global model available for free (ECMWF is like $100000/year, winds only)

10m wind only. as is the game. There was an attempt to add tides/currents years ago, but it did not work very well.
Post by iconPost by Shelisteam | 2021-01-23 | 08:11:00
I compare all grip and gfs(10m) and there were differenciess +- even 3 to 5 deg and +- 4 kn wind. All.grib was more acurate to the game.... Do you know why?

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2021-01-23 | 09:44:30
There should not be any differences between all.grib and the corresponding GFS grib files from the same model/offset.

Game applies additional conversion/rounding.

all.grib is just concatenation of all the individual grib files. Which are the original GFS data, converted to grib v1.
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