New rules, new game?
Post by iconPost by Saileellely 1 | 2021-08-14 | 12:52:40

Hi there all, after a year left for personal reasons I decided to give the game a new try. I have noticed a few things that have changed, or is it me? what is the story?

* There used to be something like "cards" you could draw from a box, every day or so. With these cards you could activate autosails, navigation points, advanced weather detection etc. It meant that had to use these options with some care, because they are not unlimited. Now those options are all free.

* Autosails seem to be available without any limit. Where is then the challenge of setting your alarm to change sail?

* The purchase of sails at the beginning has become much more expensive. I remember being able to purchase the 2 most required sails for just the race credits, now I need half of my savings to do the same.

commenticon 3 Comments
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-08-14 | 14:43:20
All true.

If you have the full pack, autosails in now on permanently. You can't turn it off even if you've determined it's in your interest to do so, like where it is faster to sail or a short period on the wrong sail then suffer the sail change penalty. If you are racing on credits, then you can active autosail for 24 hours for free, but if you turn it off by manually selecting a sail, you can't turn it back on.

If you are unhappy with the changes, which of course came with no consultation with the community of players, then I would recommend More and more of us are migrating there, either fully or partly.

They even have races now that are "no technology". No GPS position provided. You can only see a 50nm circle around your boat. You get a star map through a Stellarium plugin. Pull out your old celestial navigation books and figure out where you are. No autosail, no waypoints. And all boats are equal. No one can buy a faster boat.
Post by iconPost by Paspox | 2021-08-14 | 16:37:06
There is actually a trick to disable autosails : click on the top right button and then "settings".
At the bottom you can disable/enable autosails.

Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-08-14 | 21:09:35
Nice! Thanks for sharing that!
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