Post by iconPost by GBR85 | 2018-01-04 | 15:14:27

I have done a few Virtual Regatta's now, but only just found this by looking up a boat's name called "Big Bird". Seems like I have been missing a trick!

Just feeling my way around and finding out how all this works, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. Seems to easy . . not sure I trust the routing yet but will have a go....

Awesome stuff. Great work. Nice forum also. GBR85.

commenticon 11 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-04 | 17:23:10

The site has been around for almost 9 years, and most regular players at the top level are well aware of it.

You can't trust the router blindly, but it should be able to save you a lot of time and effort.

And now the router is just a part of the provided tools and services - with this VR edition we are filling a lot of missing basic features like boat polars and answers to important questions.
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-01-04 | 18:10:49
Hi GBR85

Well you must have noticed the Big Bird because it was leading the race. That is Cvetan's boat (aka Zezo). That should mean that the tool has some value. I am still trying to discover...until now no bennefit at

Nooo...out of're gonna love it, you will feel that a new door is open in the game. either to give you a global projection of the area on weather patterns and making you able to chose a strategy or to help you in the short term navigation, optimizing it.

Plus: It makes: things even more real, as the real boats do exactly the same. Simply the software they use is a "bit" different.
Post by iconPost by GBR85 | 2018-01-04 | 20:01:09
Thanks zezo and nsp for the encouragement and wise words, much appreciated. I have the dashboard working, the routing seems easy and also the so called "polar thingy" up and running from toxcct. All good . . problem is I keep playing with it now! Good luck, fair winds, and may the code and maths work it out! GBR85.

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-01-04 | 22:34:05
Good luck, and fair winds :)
Post by iconPost by LJadra | 2018-01-04 | 20:23:11
Cvetan, I would like to thank you too. I would never win a VOR leg without router. I have tried to mention it in story/interview of my leg win for the VOR and VR page and for today's Daily Show, but obviously they didn't wanted to.
Many thanks. I love it... BR, Ziga

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-04 | 20:44:56
I don't have any doubts about that. I'm persona non grata for VR now after that epic forum thread, and my personal rebellion and refusal to stay silent and censor my users too, so they won't mention my name even if the VOR rules allow it.
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-01-05 | 06:02:33
Thanks as well Cvetan. Amazing service you are providing, and tons of work on your part. It absolutely takes the game to another level, an indispensable tool.

Interested to read that forum thread, is it on here or was it on the VRO site?

Also, do you have any boats other than Big Bird? Surprised to see you going east.
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-01-05 | 00:18:05
Don't be sad Cvetan,

I don't think people will stop talking about Zezo, Polars, and Dashboard logs in VR Club, while explaining the reason why they talking about it is that because the game per se is nowadays a mediocre software with some bugs, that it is not what their sellers promote before selling and has no support on important issues after selling.

It's an ok game for those who are not used to a sailing game or even to sailing. It is a mediocre game to the ones who sail or are familiar with sailing and navigation or have played with previous versions even.

It would be impossible to take seriouslly the idea of having a good place with only the game and without Zezo, and now with the recent help of your other tools guys.

Doing it only with the game and specially using their help cards... well sometimes I think is better to shut your eyes and click the compass without looking.

And it's more and more less realistic, specially for the non payable options with the lottery style of playingm highly depending on the cards...just a couple nowadays and ususally the ones you need the less.

Bless you guys!

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-05 | 00:26:42
I'm not sad. It is my personal choice (to some extent. If the game was perfect there would be no need for this site, so no choice at all)
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-05 | 11:08:07
amen to that
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-05 | 06:12:06

The other boat is no money, used for testing if needed and currently doing the proper route ;-) name is Snuffleupagus (another Sesame Street character)
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