Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2020-08-23 | 13:26:37

This selector may be useful not only on Record race ! For exemple in the study of a long race which need to be spit on segments ..... in order to evaluate the best option(s) to be purchased

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Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-08-23 | 19:39:39
I agree, but for a different reason: if you can select a start time in the future, then you can also compare alternative routes.

For example Zezo could be routing you one side of a weather pattern (or just ahve flipped you from one side to another). On a record race, you can pick a location on an isochron and the related 'start' time to see just how much time difference there is between each option.

Much easier to explain in pictures than words, but hopefully some of you get the concept.
Truffle Hunter
Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2020-08-25 | 08:16:07

If you agree for a different reason fine ! Perfect if there is a lot of good reasons to get that option permanently available !

What is the meaning of your Truffle Hunter ?
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-08-25 | 21:31:58
I'm happy we agree - My intention was to add more justification for the change.
Truffle Hunter is my VR name - there isn't an easy way to change my zezo login.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-08-24 | 02:13:59
I think what you guys are asking for is for the ability to start at a selected time in the future for a fleet race after it's started, right?

If so, that's been talked about before. What I did during the Europa race, was use the Atlantic record race router to analyze the Straits of Messina option vs south of Sicily. I ended up going with the conventional route, even though my analysis showed a slight advantage to Messina. Raf12f proved it right.

Anyways, that little kluge is the only way I could think of to get what you are looking for.

Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-08-24 | 19:07:16
Correct. Your workaround is fine, but is only an option if there's a record race available on zezo with the same boat polars.

And I'm one of the people who has brought it up before :)
Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2020-08-25 | 18:39:12
Much easier to explain in pictures than in words ?
We got this evening the green light for Zezo simulation on La Solitaire du Figaro Step#1: with the famous Useful Selector Start operational in Zezo I could probably have already decided this night for my optionial Sails purchase required to be fully equipped on my way to FastnetRock and , less , ....the best ones for return in a couple of days !
Obviously I agree that I can also wait few days (until the last couple of hours before the departure ) to fix my choice

Post by iconPost by LinusVanpelt | 2020-08-25 | 19:35:55
Hi you can do your choice this evening for going to Fastnet (with the today's forecast). Just use "time shift" with the right-clic but don't forget that race starts in 5 days ;)
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-08-25 | 21:37:40
Time shift is fine pre-race but taking the Fastnet as an example, the router doesn't handle ~180 degree mark roundings, so there's no easy way to pre-plan the leg after rounding the Fasnet until your reach it (always @ 0300 local time!)
Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2020-08-26 | 12:14:28
Start selector being available would allow me to simulate at official departure date all the race ( in 2 simulations) getting the 2 Route Zezo / computing the hours for each sail option and selecting more accuratly which one will be the best theoretical investment for my VR ranking .
Other solution ( better ) is obviously to buy the Full Pack or buy individually all options !
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-08-26 | 00:43:57
If you are trying to plan sails pre-race there is not much you can do for the later legs then look at the weather forecast. You know roughly what angle you'll be sailing, is it going to be heavy air or light and choose accordingly. Also, VR does allow you to purchase sails after departure. Just start with what you need for the first leg and purchase as needed.

In a race, if you want to know what angle to set your mark exit waypoint, run a route from a start point past the mark so that you arrive at the mark at about the time you expect to get there.
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2020-08-26 | 15:21:06
I've used that trick, but it doesn't work when land gets in the way....and the solution Ventura_317 is asking for is much more versatile.
Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2020-08-27 | 11:30:34
I do not understand really where could be the complexity having it permanently offered in Zezo since the associated hardware is already available and many time tested during all Record Races .
Is that nice option capable to generate more Server activity for Zezo and slow down the races ?
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