Post by iconPost by hardy2 | 2017-10-05 | 00:37:07

Bonsoir, est ce qu'il y a des changements de vent tel que: 12h 18h 24h 06h. Cordialement

commenticon 9 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-05 | 07:12:01
You could say so. The change is gradual and starts at 11:30 with few hours of forecast, then every 10 minutes or so another day ahead is added

Here are some typical times of the files at NOAA (numbers are hours in the future)

05:25 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf06
05:31 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf24
05:38 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf48
05:46 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf72
05:53 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf96
06:00 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf120
06:07 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf144
06:17 tmp/gfs.t00z.master.grbf168
Post by iconPost by meteo79niort | 2017-10-05 | 08:09:48
Thanks Cvetan,
And in Zezo, is the wind loading in real time or at a fixed time ?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-05 | 08:14:34
Currently the download schedule (CET, dayligt saving time) is

11:30, 11:40, 11:50, 12:00, 12:20, 12:35, 12:50 (repeat every 6 hours)

The download takes a bit, so the actual availability times are about a minute or two later.
Post by iconPost by meteo79niort | 2017-10-05 | 10:26:32
Ok Thank you Cvetan.
I think it was useful to specify it for the users
Post by iconPost by hardy2 | 2017-10-05 | 16:05:17
Merci pour cette indication précieuse. Bonne journée .Cordialement
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2017-10-05 | 18:41:09
Hi Cvetan -

I've been wondering... at the bottom of the screen, you show "GFS: xxZ" where xx shows which file has been processed. Sometimes it will be "xxZ+".

In the past, I thought the + meant the new set of GFS files was partially processed, and that the + would disappear when they were fully processed. But lately, it seems to go straight to the new xx time immediately when the first file is processed.

Can you clarify the meaning of the +? Is there any way for users to know when the last files have been processed?

I'm additionally wondering... would it be possible to adjust things to show specifically how many files have been processed? I'm thinking it could progress like this...

GFS: 06Z as a starting point, when the 0600 GFS file has been fully processed and the 1200 file hasn't started yet. Then...
GFS: 06Z+06
GFS: 06Z+24
GFS: 06Z+48
GFS: 06Z+72
GFS: 06Z+96
GFS: 06Z+120
GFS: 06Z+144
GFS: 12Z

Something like that would allow users to know how far the processing has progressed, and to decide, for example, whether or not to wait 10 more minutes before going to bed.


- Mom
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-05 | 18:44:55
Hmm it broke when I was switching to the 6-hour wind update cycle. Thanks for the reminder, I'll take a look.

I think it was supposed to work exactly the way you describe it, but that was 10 years and 6 game versions ago.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2017-10-06 | 00:57:48
Looks like the details are now shown if I hover my cursor over the GFS thing, but the main indictor is locked in at "GFS 6" now.

Thanks for fixing this. It's very useful. There have been plenty of times when I saw things change after the GFS indicator changed, and I couldn't figure out why. Now I can see that it's because the files for Day 2, 3, 4, etc, were being processed.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-06 | 01:08:50
I'll fix the rest too, but have to reverse-engineer my own logic from the sources ;-) There are three files generated by different pieces of code, and one function that compares the file modification times and displays the proper number.

The funny thing is that the entire logic is much more regular and less complicated now than it was years ago with the 12-hour schedule, so I'm pruning a lot of strange stuff from the code.

Weird stuff like "basetime = (curtime-(curtime-9*3600)%(12*3600));"
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