Post by iconPost by pcayrol | 2009-09-10 | 00:04:43

Thanks !

commenticon 4 Comments
Post by iconPost by pcayrol | 2009-09-10 | 00:05:14
The finish circle line off course...

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-09-10 | 00:32:20
Your goal is coming withing 10 miles of the finish point as quick as possible. That may or may not be the same as making the maximum VMG towards the target.

See the VMC vs. VMG in teleportation discussion.

The circle in the game usually has nothing to do with the real distance. I was displaying correct finish circle (ellipse with the projection used) during some of the races. Should probably do it again.
Post by iconPost by Orcaman | 2009-09-10 | 22:04:46
Please excuse the complete idiocy of the following question. How does one correlate the race and the Zezo chart? I have only just got Zezo and it is truely amazing but I have no idea how to 'transfer' the Zezo data into/onto the race screen. Any comments would be appreciated and once again please excuse the lack technical savvy, I am a bit technically challenged! :)

Thanks a ton Cvetan!!!

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-09-11 | 15:15:43
There are black dots along the suggested track. A information window pops up when you hang over them with the mouse. In that window you can see the suggested heading/TWA, along with the supposed times for turns/sail changes.

Then you need to apply that information to the game manually.
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