Post by iconPost by nsp | 2017-11-11 | 15:22:07

Yes. Here we are in the moment where the front of te race has reached the jackpot area, bennefiting from the 4knots treshold.

Personally, based on experience and last courses and the usual best route, even hitting the lottery now wil not be enough for the ones that currently are in top ranking positions.'s just a little bit annoying..we all could benneffit from a similar speed bonus (I hate the idea of a speed bonus) but it's not fair at all.

By the way...I hope that the Portside foil I have sent to VR factory by helicopter arrive in time for the jibe on south...

As well as I hope that on top of that we all don't have a surprise of seeing an ice exclusion area in warm waters.

Another thing I would love to be adressed, but technicaly I don't know if it is possible is the beacon that gives update positions. In fact it must be a nightmare to provide an accurate ranking. Still..we have sent men to the moon in 1969, is it really impossible? Maybe with another aproach.

Just giving ideas and trying to porovoke some bright minds to have a better future :)

Fair winds


PS: Poker and jackpot will not prevail :)))) and Barrels...only of Beer and Rhum ;)

commenticon 12 Comments
Post by iconPost by SYSeaSick | 2017-11-11 | 16:05:02
Another issue: The stealth mode.

If I'm correct, the real VOR boats are allowed to go stealth for 24 hours ONCE per leg excluding the start and the finish.

In the game we are, at least in theory, actually allowed to be in stealth mode for the entire leg.

And how fun would it be if many (or all!) boats decided to do that.

In this case I would suggest the decision maker(s) at VR to align the game rules with the VOR rules.
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2017-11-11 | 21:35:57
That idiot barrel give us dozens of stealth and waypoint cards...

Out of fun...I agree with you
Post by iconPost by chelonia | 2017-11-13 | 10:13:55
But then they could only sell 2 stealth mode cards per boat and that goes against their $$$ interests
Post by iconPost by Toppen | 2017-11-11 | 16:09:17
But the real boats only get the other boats position 4 times a day, right? ;)
Post by iconPost by MichelleWhy | 2017-11-11 | 16:56:09
Easy solution: VR aligns the game with the VOR rules, provides Arena or Expedition for every single sailor, routes real time wind and AIS from real boats to game and then updates the game every 6 hours with boat positions. And to make it more realistic, you get torn sails every now and then. Not to forget about sleep deprivation by ringing the alarm every 10 minutes. All for free of course ;)
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2017-11-11 | 21:38:04
shhhhhhhhh...don't give them ideas...i am already seeing a card for 100 credits for a Code0 each 24 hours...
Post by iconPost by NickOlson | 2017-11-11 | 19:50:29
If you run the route of the current leader he is a long way behind those in the west. Will be a painful trip...

I was wondering about the Stealth mode yesterday, I think there should be a limit, something like 4 x 24hour periods to be used however you want. But that wont make any money so wont happen. Maybe stealth cards should have to be paid for, no free stealth....
p.s. (currently in stealth not sure why)
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2017-11-13 | 12:37:49
We'll see...the current leader is more than 400 miles in front of the west group (DTF). The weather forecast ahead at the East it's not that bad this year. Plus there will always be wind. And the west fleet, with a weather forecast pushing more to west and to south than usual, still have to cross.

We'll see. Maybe the "Middle/west) is more in the best position.

One thing is for sure till now it's a drag race in west one seems to want to luff. And that is not gonna bennefit anyone I think.
Post by iconPost by karriv | 2017-11-13 | 13:31:38
The problem the current leaders (and the African coastal route in general) is not pressure but wind direction. They'll have a long beat to Cape Town ahead of them, and if you consider that the max VMG of these boats is around 8,5 kn compared to the 20+ kn speed available over a fairly wide range of TWS and TWA, it isn't that surprising that the western route is the way to go.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-13 | 14:21:05
The old adage "Beating upwind is twice the distance, three times the time (and 4 times the hassle)" is still valid in 21th century - 10 knots upwind makes 7.5 knots VMG vs. 21 on a broad reach.
Post by iconPost by karriv | 2017-11-13 | 15:28:10
It looks like it's going to take till Tue/Wed next week before the western fleet catches the current leaders in terms of DTF.
Post by iconPost by Swedesailor | 2017-11-13 | 19:33:09
And when we do we are going stealth all of us HAHAHAHA !
Just like this Greece douche who jumped up leading for his 5 days in the sun....
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