Here is an article published this morning on VR: https: //voilesetvoiliers.ouest-france.fr/course-au-large/vendee-globe/vendee-globe-virtuel-9-nouvelles-astuces-pour-gagner-des-places -on-virtual-regatta-4c0c117c-22a1-11eb-b29d-eff31953f1f4
It says this:
"" Virtual Regatta always makes its weather updates, every six hours, at the same times: 6.30am, 12.30pm, 6.30pm and 12.30am (French time). For modifications and trajectory programming, they must therefore be done immediately after these updates "."
Can you confirm this?
I see on the forum on the following topic: http://zezo.org/forum.pl?tid=6109
"in UE check Zezo shortly after 10:30, 16:30, 22:30, and 04:30 for new routing based on the new weather data"
Suddenly, I am a little lost on the hour of the effective changes on Zezo and VR to put my way.
Thanks for the answer ^^