Post by iconPost by holydonkey | 2018-12-17 | 12:58:06

Hi everybody i use virtual regatta on desktop with VRdashboard and the virtual regatta website.
Everything is perfect, i would like to use it on android when i move.. if it's possible ?

I can't install any extensions on my chrome application on mobile ??
Try yandex apps i cannot instal vr dashboard ( not compatible)

How you do to have virtual regatta apps on your mobile communicate coordinates of the boat to zezo ?

Or alternative use, thanks


Je cherche désespérément à utiliser VR dashboard avec mon mobile android,
une solution existe pour récupérer les coordonnées du bateau dans zezo ?
Ou si quelqu'un peux me donner la marche a suivre...Merci

commenticon 6 Comments
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2018-12-17 | 15:09:44
Hi 😉,
I opted for the remote solution.
The only requirement is to have a Gmail email address!

# On the PC / MAC / LINUX, you have to install this:

# On TEL, you have to install this:


- IOS:

Post by iconPost by holydonkey | 2018-12-17 | 16:12:54
i do i will try thanks GeGax Holydonkey

Post by iconPost by holydonkey | 2018-12-17 | 18:48:31
Gegax before installing i would like to be sure , with this solution you have to have your computer home ON ? thanks
If it's right i search another solution ....
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2018-12-17 | 19:16:29
Yes, you have to leave the pc on ...
To my knowledge, it is not possible to install extensions on a mobile
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-12-20 | 09:34:13
At home I use VNC server/VNCViewer to command the boat on the iPad from bed at night ;-)

The PC is running anyway as it participates in the routing calculations. And the iPad is too old to have the app installed.
Post by iconPost by Lazy_Hikers_Finland | 2018-12-20 | 17:33:22
I have used TeamViewer for many years to access my home pc (I travel a lot).

But if leaving your home pc/server running is not an option, there is allways the option to purchase MS Surface Pro.

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