Post by iconPost by Flying Lili Monsterr | 2018-12-14 | 22:26:10

Is anyone else seeing this? Starting yesterday I'm getting a slide-in toast-style ad for a company I refuse to name, and it occurs *every 60 seconds*.

Load the page, notification-style box slides in. Oh, it's an ad, whatever. Fine.
Do some stuff, ad slides in again. WTF? What was I doing? Oh right, changing course to...?
Ad slides in again. <rage quit>

VSR wants to do ads? Fine, I get it. I didn't pay for this race.
But wow what a horrible way to do it. I now hate the advertised company.
I thought I'd seen the worst the internet could do advertising-wise. I was wrong.

I'm assuming it will stay this way all weekend since it's break time in EU now.

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Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-12-14 | 22:31:37
A while ago they had a full-screen autoplay video ad that showed before you entered the race.

And at random intervals thereoff.

Like at 1AM to wake up the whole family.

And also prevented you from steering your boat for a minute. Which could be critical with the 10-minute step.

Made me pay the ransom to get rid of it more than once, I admit.
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