Post by iconPost by aurelb | 2018-12-13 | 20:21:40


I'm new on virtual regatta. I'm just discovering zezo and vr dashboard.
Nothing happen when I click on the tab "map" on the vr dasboard ? Any aidea to help me please ?

Je débute juste en régate virtuelle et je découvre les outils zezo et VR dashboard. Je n'arrive pas à utiliser l'onglet map du dashboard, rien ne se passe quand je clique dessus. Des idées pour m'aider ?

Thank you all in advance,

Merci d'avance pour votre aide !


commenticon 6 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-12-13 | 20:36:05
To get all the functions you have to open the extension before you enter any race.

1. Open Virtualregatta home page
2. Open the extension
3. Open the offshore game
4. Select a race.

The game optimizes data transfers so some parts of the information (like polars, your own boat name and the race info used for the map) are not transferred every time you enter a race from the game lobby.
Post by iconPost by aurelb | 2018-12-13 | 20:45:05
Thank you for this quick and effective answer, it works :-)

Happy to have asked !
Post by iconPost by DonJuan21 | 2018-12-14 | 06:31:42
I'm curious why my own boat shows up in the friends/opponents tab sometimes but not always. And when it does, it's time stamp is usually far behind. No biggie, just curious.


P.S. It would be a nice feature to see yourself in updated time against the competition.
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-12-14 | 08:20:16
Other boats data is actually updated only when you click on the boats in the game.

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-12-14 | 08:32:07
You get the data of followed boars (but no rank) when you first enter a race.

Then the data is updated when you click a boat.
Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-12-14 | 09:11:37
Your own boat shows up in the opponents list (eventually, if you click on it aggressively), and it should give you reasonably up-to-date information.

The information comes in various different types of messages from the server. Maybe the server doesn't always send up-to-date information. There could also be a bug in the friends list sorting code (and I think I even received a patch) but I haven't had time to look at it.
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