Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-07-03 | 15:37:59

This time, by boat went opposite way, but no waypoints nor programming were involved...
And no action from my part recently :

commenticon 31 Comments
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-07-03 | 15:39:50
luckily, it happened just when I went back to the lobby, so I noticed the wrong sail message, but of course, it costs me a Gybe penalty for no reason
Post by iconPost by MidnightFoiler | 2018-07-04 | 04:40:40
Had a similar thing. I waited for a programmed tack, saw it happen in client and dashboard. Went and edited a later programmed course change and wham, I tacked back, not even to the same heading ... triple tack penalty for 1 tack as I was already on the layline ... grrrr!!

So now I'm careful not to edit program/waypoints before and after reaching them!!

Seen a few odd squiggles in peoples routes so I suspect it is happening to others too.

Post by iconPost by Vladkoulik | 2018-07-04 | 05:05:03
On Volvo Around Ireland Yacht Race after last tack and about 1.5 hr on corse ,, I received message (your boat on ground) !!?? and my rank lowered from 127 to 1120+.
My protest is �penalty was used by mistakenly
PLZ move me on previous position
Sincerely Vladimir Koulik
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-07-04 | 06:10:32
Impossible to navigae with accurracy...i am so sad!!! :(

Post by iconPost by TomekN_zegluj_net | 2018-07-04 | 06:53:53
The most probably VR employed new programmers, which specialized in "Pinball games"...
So, we have to sail this way now. ;-))

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-07-04 | 08:30:37
I can't even imagine how they achieve this kind of track. Averaging cient- and server-side boat positions?

That's exactly 1 command there.

I mean, I can imagine what the client thinks and what the server thinks, but the track means that the client does not display the first server-side position update, just the second.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-07-04 | 08:46:44
So client-side:

1) 1 minute right.
2) 1 minute down.

2-minute interval is split by the command. That gets you the diagonal line.

3) 1 minute down
4) get position from server and display the boat at correct position

All movements are full-speed, no tack penalty.

Meanwhile, at the server:

- Sail the entire 2 minutes right
- Execute the tack and sail down at half speed
- The tack is actually at the intersection of the two course lines above the "z" because the 1-right-1-down was "2 right"
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-07-04 | 08:48:51
I also got a reverse case of over-correction where the server executed the turn before the client. That resulted in a C-shape instead of the Z with the boat displayed further on the line and then returning on track 1 minute back.

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-07-04 | 09:41:45
Client schizophrenia... I see your route and turn looking good (no Z shape)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-07-04 | 10:46:51
I also see it fine after a reload. The server has no idea of the kinks, but the client tries to play it smart and build the track client-side. It's always been doing that, but mostly based on the latest server-side position reports. Now it got even more autonomy without better transactional logic and it shows.
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-07-04 | 11:00:48
really really sad..after more than half an year of late improvements this game sank.

it's not a surprise...but a total crash during payed makes me really sad...

all of this together with the most mediocre, read inexistent communicatiion from the provider...

it's patethic to see that in he last days all the news they published is the today's one, announcing a new race and calling everyone on board...

If I were by your side in this moment Mr Super or Phillip Guigné or whatever... would be me making you eat a pile of real bull shit...
Post by iconPost by bewareth | 2018-07-08 | 15:10:53
100% mirrors the way I feel and I guess the way most of us feels after last weeks that the bugs comes like ..a rain. I thought that it may collapses before we cross the finish. In my case my ship ignored totally the turn point added by programmer and went straight to the rocks until I woke up in the morning to manually turn it away the rocks towards finish line. Anyway, after I red your post I have nothing more to add, only that although I’d love to start another race, I won’t as then it is like approving this endless mess
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-07-06 | 17:12:37
After running aground at the end of the last Clipper leg rounding the mark while online and watching closely, I have another fuck up to report. In the Clipper, when my boat cleared the island I changed course, but then a couple minutes later saw that my track showed me actually changing course a minute earlier. So I ran aground, no alert on the UI, boat kept sailing until I notice my ranking starting to drop, then I actually got an alert on my phone. Ended up in 98th instead of 80th or so.

So here's my latest in the Tour:

I believe Cvetan's explanation above accounts for both of these situations, it is just seriously frustrating, especially as a paying customer. There is no way to hand steer without this BS. On top of which the previous anomalies, for me at least, were with the UI showing course changes 1 minute later. Now it's 1 minute earlier? WTF where will the wheel stop tomorrow?

FYI can anyone tell me how to post an image directly into the forum?
Post by iconPost by LucyInTheSky | 2018-07-06 | 20:36:41
[_img]URL[_/img] (remove the underlines)

Post by iconPost by TomekN_zegluj_net | 2018-07-06 | 17:44:38

Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-07-07 | 23:22:06
Not working for me, does it have to be a .png file?
Post by iconPost by TomekN_zegluj_net | 2018-07-08 | 16:01:18
No. It can be also .jpg
Be carefull with size! Must be less than 600 pixels horizontal.
Post by iconPost by WoKeN | 2018-07-07 | 11:03:44
I had strange course changing happening also and being the suspicious type of guy I changed my password and it didn't happen again...

Except for 3 times grounding in the endless tacking route of Round Ireland due to the useless UI of VR.

Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-07-10 | 01:37:48
After running aground at the end of the last Clipper leg rounding the mark while online and watching closely, I have another fuck up to report. In the Clipper, when my boat cleared the island I changed course, but then a couple minutes later saw that my track showed me actually changing course a minute earlier. So I ran aground, no alert on the UI, boat kept sailing until I notice my ranking starting to drop, then I actually got an alert on my phone. Ended up in 98th instead of 80th or so.

So here's my latest in the Tour:

I believe Cvetan's explanation above accounts for both of these situations, it is just seriously frustrating, especially as a paying customer. There is no way to hand steer without this BS. On top of which the previous anomalies, for me at least, were with the UI showing course changes 1 minute later. Now it's 1 minute earlier? WTF where will the wheel stop tomorrow?

FYI can anyone tell me how to post an image directly into the forum?
Post by iconPost by karriv | 2018-07-10 | 10:51:46

You put img tags around the URL.

See LycyInTheSky's post above.

Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-07-10 | 20:09:58
Thanks but no, still doesn't work for me, when I do that all I get the tiny image icon that's in my post now.

Is the [ around the img just the regular keyboard key?

Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-07-10 | 20:42:35
You need to link to the image directly, but you linked to

which is the HTML page containing the image.

To get the image link, right click on the image and select 'Copy image address' (using Chrome). Your image URL is

Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-07-11 | 17:11:42
Sweet thanks for your help everyone!
Post by iconPost by ogin8 | 2018-10-22 | 12:39:11
Recently I'm experiencing a sotr of bug with uploading each race. I fact I need to opload twice each race to have full functionality of the VR intarface. Literally I have to open , colose and open again in order to be able to controll course.

My question is if this is only related to my Chrome browser or you are also experiencing the same issue?
Post by iconPost by tyghfg | 2018-10-22 | 14:32:36
iam using both opera and chrome, and in both i exp. the same bug

Post by iconPost by ogin8 | 2018-10-22 | 19:24:00
Thks. At least it is good to know that my browser is OK.
Post by iconPost by Ormetkruper | 2018-10-22 | 14:55:13
Watch out for a autosail bug! Several times when select autosail it will not give you 12 hours. If that happens it might correct itself in a minute so you get your 12 hours. BUT if not there is a big risk of it disables in a few hours.

I lost a lot of places overnight in the leg 1 of odyssey because it disable itself after only 4 hours of the 12h.
Double check before you go to bed!
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-10-22 | 20:31:38
There is a huge inaccuracy in ranking updating and time updating...this also leads to erroneous info in the app.

Yesterday i got a pen registered in red without even tacking or changing course or sails. In a straight line.

I spotted also some ridiculous things like in one iteration being 0,1 behind and the next is 0.28 after the next boat, without any reason.

Also veryfied that in the minute 4 of every interval of 10 minutes your data is always better than in the other 4 updates (at 0, 2 6 and 8 minutes)...wich is really strange.

I don't know exactly what is going up with the game servers and the info they give but sometimes the data is not accurate at all and leads to total rubbish data in app.

I have been away for some months and thought it should (it must have been) better...but unfortunatelly I see that this game is continuing to be a mess. when one thing improves , imediatly 2 things go backwards

Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-10-22 | 20:49:52

can't or don't know how to upload image
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-10-22 | 21:00:13

Post by iconPost by nsp | 2018-10-22 | 21:46:37
To reflect:

If an arrival is given in minute 4...could we see a boat in second, "magically" pass the boat in front and win the race?....
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