Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2018-02-18 | 11:58:33

Les informations communiqués dans ce tableau sont susceptibles de ne pas correspondre exactement avec ceux de la course au moment de l'ouverture.

Dernière modification : 14 Février 2018 à 17:43

Programme des étapes restantes de la Clipper RTW 2017-2018

Date / heure* Course Départ > Arrivée Distance Bateau
04 mars Clipper RTW #08 Sanya > Qingdao - IMOCA
23 mars Clipper RTW #09 Qingdao > Seattle 5 500 milles IMOCA
29 avril Clipper RTW #10 Seattle > Panama 3 600 milles IMOCA
03 juin Clipper RTW #11 Panama > New-York 1 600 milles IMOCA
25 juin Clipper RTW #12 New-York > Londonderry 3 300 milles IMOCA
22 juillet Clipper RTW #13 Londonderry > Liverpool - IMOCA

Programme des étapes restantes de la Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018

Date / heure* Course Départ > Arrivée Distance Bateau
18 mars Volvo Ocean Race #07 Auckland > Itajai 7 600 milles VOR65
22 avril Volvo Ocean Race #08 Itajai > Newport 5 700 milles VOR65
22 mai Volvo Ocean Race #09 Newport > Cardiff 3 300 milles VOR65
10 juin Volvo Ocean Race #10 Cardiff > Goteborg 1 300 milles VOR65
21 juin Volvo Ocean Race #11 Goteborg > La Haye 700 milles VOR65

Programme des courses à venir

Date / heure* Course Départ > Arrivée Distance Bateau
19 févr. 17:00 RORC Caribbean 600 Antigua > Antigua 600 milles Class40
22 avril Transat AG2R Concarneau > Saint-Barth 3 890 milles Figaro II
02 mai Nice Ultimed Nice > Nice 1 000 milles Ultim'

Programme des courses à record

Date / heure fermeture* Course Départ > Arrivée Distance Bateau
01 avr. 02:00 Jules Verne Trophy Ouessant > Ouessant 21 800 milles Ultim'

*Les heures sont affichées selon le fuseau horaire de la France.

commenticon 6 Comments
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-02-18 | 12:41:35
It is probably too much asked for the French to translate something into English even if it is for dumping something into a predominantly English form?
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-02-18 | 12:44:48

The information provided in this table may not exactly match that of the race at the time of opening.

Last modification: 14 February 2018 at 17:43

Program of the remaining steps of the Clipper RTW 2017-2018

Date / Time * Race Start> Arrival Distance Boat
March 04 Clipper RTW # 08 Sanya> Qingdao - IMOCA
March 23 Clipper RTW # 09 Qingdao> Seattle 5,500 miles IMOCA
April 29 Clipper RTW # 10 Seattle> Panama 3 600 miles IMOCA
June 03 Clipper RTW # 11 Panama> New York 1,600 miles IMOCA
June 25 Clipper RTW # 12 New York> Londonderry 3,300 miles IMOCA
July 22 Clipper RTW # 13 Londonderry> Liverpool - IMOCA

Program of the remaining stages of the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-2018

Date / Time * Race Start> Arrival Distance Boat
March 18 Volvo Ocean Race # 07 Auckland> Itajai 7,600 miles VOR65
April 22 Volvo Ocean Race # 08 Itajai> Newport 5 700 miles VOR65
May 22 Volvo Ocean Race # 09 Newport> Cardiff 3,300 Miles VOR65
June 10 Volvo Ocean Race # 10 Cardiff> Gothenburg 1,300 miles VOR65
June 21st Volvo Ocean Race # 11 Goteborg> The Hague 700 Miles VOR65

Program of the races to come

Date / Time * Race Start> Arrival Distance Boat
Feb 19 17:00 RORC Caribbean 600 Antigua> Antigua 600 miles Class40
April 22 Transat AG2R Concarneau> Saint-Barth 3,890 miles Figaro II
May 02 Nice Ultimed Nice> Nice 1,000 miles Ultim '

Record Racing Program

Date / time closed * Race Departure> Arrival Distance Boat
01-Apr-02:00 Jules Verne Ouessant Trophy> Ouessant 21,800 miles Ultim '

* The times are displayed according to the time zone of France.
Post by iconPost by DancingBrave | 2018-03-01 | 11:37:37
I'm surprised Clipper #08 isn't open for registration yet; is it happening(virtually)?
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2018-03-01 | 13:51:44
I asked that question in the VR forum a couple days ago and Oxven confirmed yes... but I guess they've been focused on Happy and Dubai first.
Post by iconPost by DancingBrave | 2018-03-01 | 15:08:17
Has now appeared on the VR homepage.
Post by iconPost by Gerrit | 2018-04-12 | 17:51:18
April 22 VOR leg 8 to Newport and Transat
April 29 Clipper to Panama
Any other races expected?
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