Post by iconPost by Misil208 | 2017-12-30 | 23:41:25

After 3 leg #1 tame bird has 6877 points. How does ranking count?
And where to find ranking for ALL boats, not only top 50?

commenticon 18 Comments
Post by iconPost by nsp | 2017-12-31 | 04:17:37
Hi Misil,

A bunch of us are asking the same question to VR for some time now.

We don't understand why they don't aswer any of us on this subject, it's a delicate one and doesn't keep people comfortable.

We know that the ranking is based on levels of the players combined with steps (Fictional example: players arrived between 1000 and 1100, receive the same amount of points only modified by their relative level). We also have noticed that in VOR last 3 legs had 3 different criteria of atribution of points. This is not leaving anyone confortable, specially taking in consideration that VR insists in not answering our questions to clarify the situation. Which by the way is a behaviour that puts them in default facing their own EULA and obligations of information to their clients.

As to the ranking of all boats, we don't have any information about that.

As to the Old ranking of your own they have been informing that in future updates they will restore it, but till now...nothing.

So basically to answer you: ranking is a mess. Unfortunatelly, in this moment noone has an answer for you.

Post by iconPost by WoKeN | 2017-12-31 | 10:44:28
Maybe someone can ask VR the question in FRENCH?
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 15:13:40
VR support team can very well read english.
Keep sending them messages on anything that is not working or can be improved at:
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-31 | 15:17:58
It looks like our reverse-engineering will bring more answers than VR support.

p.s. your slash is backwards \ instead of /
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 15:18:44
I was just finding out (again) with the slashes ;)

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-31 | 15:21:27
it's either [url ]http://[ /url] or [ url=http://]Title[ /url]

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 15:22:33
I'm not very well awake, thanks Cvetan!
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 15:26:11
I've learned almost everything on zezo and virtually nothing on the VR site, help and house club ;)
Post by iconPost by WoKeN | 2017-12-31 | 15:28:38
forgot to add /sarc off

I guess VR is on holiday leave?

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 15:36:39
they are always ;) or busy counting there money ..
Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2017-12-31 | 16:54:00
Just put the calculation in the post 'Formula used to calculate points on VOR and clipper' with an excel spreadsheet.
Tame bird arrived 2-2-23 so that gives 6877 points
I arrived 6-23-11 and I got 4521 points
Both give the amount VR is calculating.

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-31 | 17:07:10
Damn, I hate it when we have to waste our personal time to debunk the conspiracies surrounding VR.

How complicated it is to write

race_points = race_vsr * 1800 / sqrt(sqrt(rank))

or whatever the formula is

into the FAQ?
Post by iconPost by Misil208 | 2017-12-31 | 17:51:55
Wow! Why complicate the ranking points with a mysterious formula?? So maybe we now know the right formula.
But I can only find the total points for the top 50 boats. A scoringboard for ALL boats are missing with individual placement in leg 1-3.

Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2017-12-31 | 18:49:34
I guess they want to hide the way they calculate the ranking, since the new formula is giving far more points than the old one (except for the winner). Somebody that arrived 5th on leg 2 has less point that somebody that arrived 18th on leg 3 despite the fact that both legs have the same ranking.
Imagine the following scenario : the winner of the VOR has only a few hundred of points more than the 2nd, but the 2nd had a pretty good result on leg 2, he realized that he would have won with the new formula also applied also on leg 2...

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-31 | 19:00:32
That formula is leveling and does not benefit persistent performance.

Especially important on multi-leg races. In the past it was linear dependency - sum of rankings interpreted as penalty points, who got the less wins the race.

So someone with a 2 10th places wins against someone with 1st and 20th

Now it's the other way around. 10th place gives you 1.8 points, 20th gives you 2.1

2*1.8 = 3.6, 2.1+1 = 3.1
Post by iconPost by Trailaspress | 2017-12-31 | 19:27:42
6 best legs is the only info you can see in the ranking window, VR deleted all history of participate races in our profiles, fuck that mess they did in this interface upgrade. they no only change the interface they changed the whole game concept .

Happy New year Skippers, see you in VOR Leg4
Post by iconPost by Trailaspress | 2017-12-31 | 19:27:43
6 best legs is the only info you can see in the ranking window, VR deleted all history of participate races in our profiles, fuck that mess they did in this interface upgrade. they no only change the interface they changed the whole game concept .

Happy New year Skippers, see you in VOR Leg4
Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2018-01-01 | 15:17:01
If you still know what your place was for each leg, you can calculate how much points with the spreadsheet.
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