Post by iconPost by lorenzo | 2017-12-10 | 20:18:54

I thought first to make a detailed post explaining reasons but the risk to end up in endless and repetitive discussion is too high

I want to give an answer to a question that anyone running a business usually have: which the right price point for my product?
As customer here my answer to VR: 5 Euro per race, all Volvo races for 50 Euro max. And that includes everything.

I paid that for first leg, after then I am just playing as NPM. Hope this helps

commenticon 3 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-10 | 20:29:15
We should just let the money speak. It's a voice that can't be ignored.
Post by iconPost by lorenzo | 2017-12-10 | 20:50:04
Cvetan I agree but in the meantime these guys are trying any kind of variation and frankly that is no fun.
Seems to me their BI (business Intelligence) department is not very strong, so I am trying to help them. My suggestion: 5 Euro and leave it simple.
As in any development center, they should write in the whiteboard in the meeting room “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-10 | 20:57:28
That's my opinion too. It feels like they paid 10000 EUR to some "mobile platform marketing" consultant and will lose another 100K in missed sales. And its partly our problem because it gets us frustrated and wastes OUR time.

But that's how it is. The only thing we can do as customers is to refuse to pay the ransom (and still leave the wannabees 5 days behind)
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