Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2017-10-29 | 11:35:12

An offer to all racers

- No money but free options and tools.
- Definition of Classes: options allowed.

A meaningful Ranking requires:
- Equality
- Transparency
- Reliability
- Sustainability (until the end of the Race)

In the current VR system, it's needed to define boat Classes to really compete and maintain the interest of the race.
The use of free cards is not observable.
And there are two options that make the difference, but are difficult to observe from the outside:
- Hull polish: + 0.3% speed at all times.
- Winches Pro: 3.5 minutes of time saved on each tack and gybe (we hope).
Therefore, a fair rating should allow the use of free cards and those two options.
And they can be obtained with the free credits at the beginning of each race.

W&P Class:
Only Free Cards, Winchs and Polish allowed.

W&P+C0 Class
Throughout the race, the most versatile sail is Code 0. Some can get it for free with credits earned in races.
Also included other classes, with Light or Strong Wind Sails, and Foils.
It is possible that someone can get it for free with the credits earned in the races.

Unreliable rankings:

No W&P Monotype Classes.

Some prefer the old style, or freedom of choice.
Also included is a "None" old-style Class. It does not allow the use of any option or card, even if it is free.
And a soft version, Cards Class, only Free Cards allowed.
And a Free Class, which allows everything you can get with free credits.
These Rankings are less reliable because you can not check the use of Polish or Winchs.

You can decide:
Same Class to the end.
Change Class in each Leg. The Overall Ranking will be actually your Free Class.


- Overall ------Country: Ivory Coast

It's actually a Free Class

--- SUSTAINABLE (after Leg 1) NMS RANKINGS ---

- - None & Cards --- Region: Faranah Region
- - - None (nothing allowed) - City: Dabola
- - - Cards (only free Cards)- No City. Only Region.

- - W&Ps (Cards, Winches & Polish) ---- Region: Kindia Region
- - - W&P only - City: Coyah
- - - W&P+C0 (W&P + Code 0) - City: Dubréka
--------- NO SUSTAINABLE No Money RANKINGS ----------
- - - W&P+LW (W&P + Light Wind Sails) - City: Forécariah
- - - W&P+SW (W&P + Strong Wind Sails) - City: Kindia
- - - W&P+C0+LW (W&P + Code 0 + Light Wind Sails) - City: Télimélé
- - - W&P+C0-SW (W&P + Code 0 + Strong Wind Sails) - City: Tondon

- - F Rankings (W&P + Foils) - Region: Boke Region
- - - F only - City: Boké
- - - F+ LW - City: Fria
- - - F+ SW - City: Kamsar

- - F+C0 Rankings - Region: Kankan Region
- - - FC0 only - City: Kankan
- - - FC0+LW - City: Kouroussa
- - - FC0+SW - City: Mandiana

------- NOT RELIABLE RANKINGS (Without W&P)-------

- C Rankings (Cards + X)
- -Simple C Rankings - - - Region: Nzerekore Region
- - - C+C0 (Cards + Code 0) - City: Nzérékoré
- - - C+LW (Cards + Light Wind Sails) - City: Macenta
- - - C+SW (Cards + Strong Wind Salis) - City: Gueckedou
- - - C+C0+1S (Cards + Code 0 + 1 Set of Sails) - City: Beyla

- - CF Rankings (Cards + Foils) - Region: Labe Region
- - - CF only (Cards + Foils) - City: Labé
- - - CF+1S (CF + 1 Set of Sails) - City: Tougué

- - CF+C0 Rankings (CF + Code 0) - Region: Mamou Region
- - - CF+C0 only (CF + Code 0) - City: Mamou
- - -CF+C0+1S (CF + Code 0 + 1 Set of Sails) - City: Pita
- - Free Class: (all allowed. but for free) - Conakry Region

Radio Alert allways allowed. Not for None Class. ;)

So, the No Money Sailors have 20 Monotype Ranking Classes by Cities, and 9 Combined Rankings by Regions:

- 3 Combined Rankings with W&P (Reliable)
- 3 Combined Rankings without W&P (Unreliable)
- 3: None, Cards, and Free Class Rankings

Overall ---------------- Country: Ivory Coast
None & Cards --------- Region: Faranah Region
Free: ------------------ Region: Conakry Region

W&Ps ----------------- Region: Kindia Region
Fs --------------------- Region: Boke Region
FC0s ------------------ Region: Kankan Region

Cs -------------------- Region: Nzerekore Region
CFs ------------------- Region: Labe Region
CF+C0s --------------- Region: Mamou Region

We can race Monotype Regattas.
Cost: You lose your country flag.

Facebook Group

commenticon 2 Comments
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2017-10-30 | 08:29:19
Changed the Name.

Not only for VOR, but for all VR races.

Many racers will resist changing Country and Flag, which is the price of having automatic and Combined Classes and Overall Rankings.

I think that what defines the essence of these Classes is not the origin of the credits (given, earned or paid) but being Monotype Classes.

I think it's interesting for both, no (or a bit of) money racers and VR as business.

(Perhaps VR will offer a similar Monotype and Overall Ranking) ;)
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2017-11-02 | 01:08:13


Country: GUINEA

(Not Ivory Coast)
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