Post by iconPost by Catsilver | 2017-10-26 | 21:08:39

Seems a pretty nice idea. Why not?.


I am sure too many of us have something to argue when VR CEO tries to show the benefits of the new VR system. He feels proud of the fact that some colleagues in the first 50 are not spending one single euro. I am glad to know about these benefits. But are you sure that there is not other way to achieve this than producing a big disadvantage for many others??.

I will tell you my case: I was giving you total confidence in your capacity to make a fair game (despite there is no way to check what is the rule for the cards appearing). So I was happy to expend some money making a silver cat(amaran), with full option, and just some cards. I was confident on the barrel lottery....soon I realized that most of the given cards were, start spending some money...more money....but, I was travelling for the last 10, meetings,....It is already a disadvantage not to have the possibility to keep one eye on the game every time the wind prediction changes.....but if I have to add that every single waypoint multiplies its price just because I had not the possibility to be there....then it is still worse.

Dear Mr. you realize that most of your customers are people with a living that makes it difficult to stand 24 hours/day following properly the game??

If we had the time, probably we would be in the real VOR...not in the game.

Up to you. In my opinion you do not have a clear idea about your customer profile.

So my boat will also stand at TWA=0 JUST OFF THE LISBON FINISH.

commenticon 11 Comments
Post by iconPost by SnowPetrel | 2017-10-26 | 21:37:26
To be clear, SnowPetrel >> WILL << lock in TWA=0 just off the Lisbon finish, in particular because of VR CEO threatening freedom of expression in SailSim (see posts today in topic "new interface...the end of VR"). SnowPetrel will not play in a sandbox managed by a bully.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-26 | 21:58:51
Thanks. Well said - it's about bullying. I may be a bit on the other side of the terms and conditions sometimes, but have always done my best to level the playing field.

I could extract the polars and keep the information for myself, but in this way the 5% of players with sufficient technical skills would be at huge advantage to the others. Same goes for every technical detail I've discovered and published about the game.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-26 | 22:07:46
Fun story: Back in 2011 I was probably the only player who had extracted the (then binary) polars. That secured me a nice first position for few days at the start of the leg.

Then a one of the leading players contacted me and asked if he could send him the polars. I did, and three weeks later he beat me to the finish at Cape Town and won the weekend trip to Abu Dhabi.

And I don't regret it. At the deciding moment when I was busy replacing my failed server hard drive the guy sent me in game message "Where the hell are you going? Haven't you seen the last GRIB?"

That's the spirit of the game that I like. That's who I am.
Post by iconPost by Catsilver | 2017-10-26 | 22:29:58
Yeah! that´s it. We are also a bunch of whatsapp friends....we share all...and then is funier....and if we loose the head of the course....then we compete between us...LOTS OF FUN!!
Post by iconPost by lorenzo | 2017-10-27 | 12:32:58
yep I can confirm. I hope Cvetan does not mind I share an email we exchanged back to 2011
> my original email and below his answer

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 7:11 AM

> I came to your site reading the comment "Some may call it stupid
> giving your opponents the weapon to beat you. I call it fair play ;) "
> Well certainly true but not complete.
> It also demonstrate you understood a lot about life.

Thanks. It's more complex than that. It's true that I'm just not the kind of guy to develop a tool and go for the prizes. Seems like somehow anti-social behavior ;).
Post by iconPost by blkhd48 | 2017-10-26 | 21:41:18
I agree with all your comments and will also be joining you at the finish. I had the additional issue of an incorrect finishing position in the Clipper race as described in the 'end of game' topic.
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2017-10-27 | 04:27:29
I support the virtual protest.
Princess Marina
Pat Mangino
Post by iconPost by Aussie60 | 2017-10-27 | 13:34:29
I am already there :-)
See my topic "End of game !! $$$" and also other topics and posts.

I am taking the liberty to start a new topic, with one simple goal. To find out and show how many are fed up with everything and are quittting.
Maybe that will help change some things
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2017-10-27 | 19:40:32
Princess Marina
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-10-27 | 20:08:02
What can change some things is half the players refusing to pay the fee for the next leg, but this will come naturally.
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2017-10-27 | 20:11:07
You can count on me.
I'm dropping sails before the finish line in few moments...
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