Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-07-07 | 19:24:32

It seems that after 1 year of hard work the UG coders have discovered the existence of linear equations.

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Post by iconPost by Da_Bear | 2009-07-07 | 21:24:09

Linear equations are for intelligent engineers. No wonder they only discovered it now.
BTW... I Didn't think you cared about TDF... I tried it shortly and abandoned it... It´s crap compared to VORG.

I checked out the TDF Polars too (thanks to you, i know how to fetch them)... but the game is so crappy that i didn't care to take the time to analyse them and embed them into my own simple routing calculator.

I am very greatful to you, for making your awesome Zezo tool VORG available for all us VORG sailors, for free.
I had great time exploring possible solutions during the VORG, using your fantastic software, and it even inspired me to make som new features to my own simple routing program.

Please don't stop your incredible work, and please keep all of us... your fans... informed about the next Virtual race you will join and support... Then.. I guess... you will meet a lot of competition, but more importantly, a lot of appreciation and awe from me, and all your fans.

X-tase295 (VORG name)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-07-07 | 22:23:27
It's really not worth playing and supporting. The race will be over before all the bugs are out, but I've decided to go for it anyway mostly to follow the development of the game platform and prepare for possible future races.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-07-11 | 20:44:34
Here is the code:

wind1=wind_speeds[ i ];
wind2=wind_speeds[ i+1];
v1=polar_chart[iangle][ i ];
v2=polar_chart[iangle][ i+1];

/* the linear equation */
return v1+(v2-v1)*(wind-wind1)/(wind2-wind1);
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-07-12 | 19:51:10
Boat speeds should now match the classic sails exactly.

There is also new experimental feature called 'Avoid tacks'. Accessed via the right mouse button menu. May not work very well depending on weather conditions.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-07-14 | 10:38:50
Added function to select classic/pro sails in the context menu. It's interesting to observe how much(little) difference it makes in different wind conditions.
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