Post by iconPost by pollsall | 2014-12-11 | 23:01:37

the winds being displayed do not align withe vorg at present 2100 gmt 11/12. Nor do they tie in with the black dot course markers. The course markers do tie in with vorg. Anyone else experiencing this? Have cleared cache, restarted, etc. ???

commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by pollsall | 2014-12-11 | 23:03:54
PS Have also checked that the wind forecast time marker is at NOW
Post by iconPost by TomekN_zegluj_net | 2014-12-11 | 23:07:17
Have the same... but now it's OK. ;-)
Post by iconPost by pollsall | 2014-12-11 | 23:18:35
That is amazing, back to normal now for me also. Thanks Cvetan, as always, for sorting it.
Post by iconPost by Julian | 2014-12-11 | 23:23:17
Not in my case, the "now wind" is wrong and of course the green and red lines are not correct.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-12-11 | 23:24:17
Try hitting F5 or Control-R
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-12-11 | 23:23:52
The electrical company finally got me after 386 days of server uptime.

To add insult to the injury the wifi router had changed it start-up configuration in a way that denied internet access to my home office network, in a very non-obvious way, and I had to sort that one first before fixing the site.
Post by iconPost by Julian | 2014-12-12 | 00:05:01
Now seems it´s correct. Thanks
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