Post by iconPost by headless_monkeyman | 2014-11-03 | 19:48:45

Does always drop polars support a couple days before racing ends? I liked them a lot!


commenticon 25 Comments
Post by iconPost by WaterHammer | 2014-11-04 | 10:58:41
Yes, I have the same feeling. Did anyone download the files beforehand from that site? I did not and I would love to get them now.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-11-05 | 22:30:08
Unlike the UG version in VR you can get the polars in plain text from the game itself.

and then vpp_1_2.csv, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64.
Post by iconPost by WaterHammer | 2014-11-08 | 10:45:05
Thank you Cvetan!
Post by iconPost by NOR7034 | 2014-11-06 | 10:20:01
Are the polars for Défi Sodebo available in a similar format?

The most important thing to derive from these data are the optimum upwind and downwind TWA at various wind speeds. Does anybody have a formula how to calculate that?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-11-06 | 10:25:29
VMG is speed * cos(TWA), or -cos() downwind.

That would be cos(radians(TWA)) in excel

Sodebo polars are at
Post by iconPost by Forrest | 2014-11-06 | 11:17:18
why am i going in the wrong direction
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-11-06 | 12:44:51
Right mouse button -> Go To Cape Town. The switch is not automatic.
Post by iconPost by Forrest | 2014-11-08 | 12:42:52
Thank you zero, by the way, where are you from?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-11-08 | 17:41:02
Post by iconPost by Forrest | 2014-11-08 | 21:56:09
Nice country full of History.
Post by iconPost by NOR7034 | 2014-11-08 | 15:29:32
Regarding polars, - I got a tip about the site This might be interesting for other players also.....

The site can help calculate many things, but most interesting for me is the option "Compute Best Tracking".
Typing in the heading right into the wind or 180 degrees away from the wind in box#1 and typing the wind speed in box#2 will calculate the optimum TWA for upwind and downwind sailing and the resulting boat speed....

The calculated values seems to fit well with the polars I got from
Post by iconPost by 92gege56 | 2014-11-08 | 16:03:42
Thank you Cvetan for your software!

But, polars site(, 2,4,8,16) don't fit with the reality.

example : today (without option), Spinnaker
wind 7.6 kts, TWA 107/110, boat 16.6kts !!!,
and zezo forecast : boat 12.74kts, (idem polars site)

where is the error?
Post by iconPost by HenrikBo | 2014-11-11 | 08:46:34
There is also a polar to download at:

Seems more close to reality - I don't know if it's the correct polar for Sodebo Ultim - I just altered the URL specified in a previous post.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-11-11 | 09:04:12
1 is the Jib, 2 is the Spi and the following powers of two up to 64 are the various pro sails.
Post by iconPost by HenrikBo | 2014-11-11 | 23:10:50
Thanks, now I got it.. ;)
Post by iconPost by Juliano | 2016-12-12 | 20:31:08
Sorry for bumping this old thread.

First of all, thanks for the amazing work, that's truly astonishing.

Is there still a way to download the .csv polar files directly from the virtual regatta official site as it was the case in 2014 for this year's Vendee Globe for example?

Thanks for your time.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2016-12-12 | 20:35:49
Yes, the polars are still available in plain text format

and then vpp_1_2.csv, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64.
Post by iconPost by Juliano | 2016-12-12 | 22:17:47
Gawd that sets a new standard for quick!

Thank you VERY much!
Post by iconPost by earthling | 2016-12-21 | 01:12:56

First thanks a million times for Zezo ! :-)
I'm not sure to understand correctly
I'm doing VG2016 "sans options", which polar files should I use ?
thanks a lot
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2016-12-23 | 00:15:34
SO you have only the first two sails - vpp_1_1.csv and vpp_1_2.csv - that's the Jib and Spinnaker
Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2016-12-28 | 23:57:06
high zezo
i uploaded polar J2 ( vpp1.4)and 1 found speed 13.43 with twa 55
but on your polar chart i found 13.41 with twa 55
Post by iconPost by Manu-PB | 2016-12-29 | 17:23:14
Hi gcomme1vaguealame,
I may be wrong : will 0.02 knots make a huge diffrence when you reach Cape Horn in 4 hours from now ? 150 meters ?
Post by iconPost by Manu-PB | 2016-12-29 | 17:23:15
Hi gcomme1vaguealame,
I may be wrong : will 0.02 knots make a huge diffrence when you reach Cape Horn in 4 hours from now ? 150 meters ?
Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2016-12-29 | 20:51:01
high Manu
it's only to svetan may be a bug in an other range possible
here TWS (30) and TWA (55) are not interpolated
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2016-12-29 | 22:48:17
That's a rounding error. The polars used by the web page (and the router) are actually interpolated from knots to integer km/h values, so 30 is not table value.

@Manu-PB it's a small error, but it's nice if people look for those kind of things and let me know if they see something strange, because sometimes it happens to be a real problem.
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