Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-15 | 05:32:03


I would like to be able to use the choose starting point for the track tool but not for the race ! Then keep the forecast and the tool using the forecast chosen from the combo box. Then we will be able to choose our way in a much better way.


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Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-15 | 06:21:11
One thing more, would be nice to be able to configure the tracks created to adjust to different boats ! There is a difference from last race and there is a small error as it is now !
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-10-16 | 16:54:57
I had that old idea to add turns (fixed heading/twa) to the track tool, much like the game scheduler does now. Just haven't got the time to do it.
Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-16 | 18:13:12
Exactly or the possibility to put another tracktool in any position that works within the forecast (time) where it is put. Should be way more simple ?

Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-16 | 18:26:04
Then you can skip the two extensions on the tool for the next two forecasts. Just drop a new track tool from the cursor position when right click and make a choice in the menu. 20 minutes of work ?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-10-16 | 18:36:58
Yes, that would work for the line segment up to the next forecast but you will still lose the function of comparing the dots against the isochrones and track actual progress.

So it should be a connected track, so each segment knows the starting time.
Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-16 | 18:27:35
Then we can have several track tools and compare the different approaches in a visible way
Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-16 | 19:06:43
Well, as if you say

but you will still lose the function of comparing the dots against the isochrones and track actual progress

I could just drop a new tracker at the point the previous stops and have one for the next forecast ? Then I am not locked to three forecasts and the tracker will work with different TWA's for up to all the 8 days !! Of course the 'old' tracker should stop listening to the mouse when a new listener or tracker is dropped.
Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-16 | 20:16:12
Another thing. The performance of the boat is not really accurate. The planning result is excellent BUT if I take a day forecast and use the track tool for the next 12 hours. Use exactly the same route as with the game scheduler I will not end up at the same GPS position. For example tomorrow, my boat will go about an hour longer in the game compared to the tracking tool.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2014-10-16 | 21:15:34
There is a small difference between the router and the track tool because of the different time step.

If there is wind gradient the router will sail more tan reality in increasing wind and less in decreasing.

You can notice the difference with the track tool - that's why sometimes the dots beat the lines on > 12h tracks
Post by iconPost by golfsailor | 2014-10-17 | 03:40:21
Yes, that's what I see.
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