Post by iconPost by 1WebPourTous | 2011-04-05 | 07:14:15

Hi Cvetan,
Is there a simple way to retrieve points generated by your simulator to plug them into VRTool.
By simple I mean in a format compatible with Excel for example ; from this we could apply some treatments to generate a route which could be uploaded into VRTool.
I tried to generate this kind of file from the source code of your pages but I did'nt succeeded (zoom factor, top and left position, screen resolution ... too many variables).
Thanks in advance for your response and "Bravo" for your simulator.

commenticon 4 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2011-04-05 | 11:01:03

that's all you need
Post by iconPost by 1WebPourTous | 2011-04-09 | 00:44:46
Many thanks Cvetan, that's perfectly with these formulas.
Could you explain the offset of 2 ? Is it due to frame border ?
Again Thank you very much.

Last point, do you plan to support race Benodet-Martinique which starts on sunday, April 10th ? Polars are available at
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2011-04-09 | 16:55:31
The dots are 5x5 pixel images. 2-pixel offset centers them at the right place.

The second question: Yes, I'm working on it right now. It will probably be available later today.
Post by iconPost by 1WebPourTous | 2011-04-11 | 05:22:17
Thank you for your explanations, I didn't think about images size. Now everything is clear in my mind.
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