Post by iconPost by natto | 2009-06-15 | 19:36:00

Just finished leg 9 and wanted to thank you for all the time you dedicated to the simulator, forum etc!

The simulator is a tremendous tool and really contributed to my enjoyment of the game. I only wish the VORG had been conceived, developed and implemented with as much competence and enthusiasm as your sailingsimulator site. Forum has also been the only available source of accurate information, not to mention fascinating discussion.

Best of luck!

Nathaniel May - SS India

commenticon 13 Comments
Post by iconPost by Mouthansar | 2009-06-15 | 20:32:17
Hear ... hear!

I concur with every syllable of your well spoken conclusion. As the youngsters say today: Cvetan is da man! :-)
Post by iconPost by zecdarmor | 2009-06-16 | 22:59:25
Well, cheers ,then.

I just read the " about " section. I wish you luck & success in whatever it is you'll try.

Fair winds.
Post by iconPost by TSIONA | 2009-06-26 | 19:10:59
Just to say thank you to Cvetan.
You did (as someone said "with love") a great software. I do enjoy using it, and i hoppe to see you again in next virtual races with a more official function in VORG!
Merci - Thierry
Post by iconPost by Fuga9 | 2009-08-01 | 04:33:48
Great software...congratulations and thanks a lot....!!!!
Post by iconPost by MMB | 2009-08-01 | 15:45:15
Cvetan President !

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-08-01 | 19:32:56
Thank you, thank you, thank you people :-)
Post by iconPost by ppmendonca | 2015-01-13 | 13:17:37
I've just started using Zezo and it is a joy in its simplicity and power. To frame my enthusiasm: imagine a MS Windows free home with only Android phones and tablets, no access to VRTool etc. and trying to sail minimally correctly in VVOR!
And then Zezo is found... and there was light!
The hard work and well thought out approach transpires in every detail.

The mobile version (with the cross-hair in the middle to "mimic" hovering) is well on track to be as good as the regular version.

Congratulations on the excellent work so far. It is much, much appreciated. And I hope you'll be able to keep it up!
Post by iconPost by tlew | 2015-01-13 | 17:31:45
I spent countless of hours with VR-Tool. Discovered this site and reliazed it was as good as VR-tool selecting a good route, so I haven't lookt at VR-Tool since :-)
Post by iconPost by RickW | 2015-01-13 | 23:54:38
I applaud these comments and hope Cvetan reads them, as I like the attitude here. Also, in another post I pledged support to him with each leg for the effort and service he has provided to a community enjoying vicarious sailing experiences. I am new to this and without this sim I would not be here and writing this.

The VR business model makes no effort in marketing the product with detailed and suggested use of the product. Most of the resources presented by the moderators are lacking in educational information or do not work (bad links) at all and, they should know this. This has been left to previous efforts like, the Nav Guide, VR and Paco Tools and what was apparently a valuable French website now gone. The forums (the only resources) are outdated or no longer available. There appears to be a cadre of followers with knowledge of how these resources work but seen little evidence in sharing.

The lack of sharing is a great departure from hobby RC sailing and conversation within yacht club groups. All can have fun, learn and participate in sports and competition if they feel they are a part of it and then choosing the resources and effort to the level that interests them. Those at the top are always driven.

The point I am making, sorry it is long, is that I would like to see more assistance in learning like has gone on here; then we become a community not a social group. I know that it can make us all more credible in the game and take it where we like.

Leaving the Med I knew nothing but that before me on the game main screen. I studied wind out to 36 hours and watched those appearing to do well and running off from me. Where they were going and why was what I wanted and needed. Meanwhile, I was studying VRTool and reading the forums. I got to the point that VRTools was a good reference but higher use was defeated by its complexity and my lacking ability to learn by osmosis than by a manual. This has not changed but it is useful for data comparison. Though some educational math (Trig) to predict angles from the wind chart information, I finished 8900. It was a lot of work and hours during the night.

Continuing my education half way through leg 2 I found a tiny link to here on Paco’s calculator site. This was a huge find, as I could see the future that would allow me to lessen the navigational load to more study. By increasing the green friends on my screen I could begin to see the importance of the router in their behavior. I finished 2059.

Now I am running with the leaders in a 2000 boat bubble, getting sleep and having fun, mostly because of a simple simulator my grandchild can understand (not so simple in the background I am sure). Sometimes it is the simple things before you that are not seen. I will most likely never win but then that was not the point. Because of this sim I learn about new things, that VR servers are slow, schedulers are problematical, the wind is fickle pending where you look. An exhilarating experience to remember was the highlight of pouring through a three pixel hole in an island on the point of Hormuz with 500 other boats.

Thanks Cvetan; we do not know where you are, what your days are like or where you apply your skills. We do know you are respected and we are greatly appreciative of you every day.
Sorry again for the length. Rick.
Post by iconPost by Peelman | 2015-01-15 | 22:33:21
I too would like to thank the developers and contributors here as sharing is what sailing should be all about.
Post by iconPost by Sir_Petrus | 2015-01-26 | 13:58:41
Thank you Cvetan for your Simulator.
Today I made my donation to you, for excellent job and, quick response to the mess VR made at the very end of leg 3. Also to the quick response to NOAA changes.
I also want to thank you to finnish this leg after me. This way I can tell people that I am not following ZEZO is ZEZO that is following me.
Hope my contribution helps you to solve some minor problems like the rounding angle witch are a little bit annoying.

Keep on your nice job
Fair winds
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-01-27 | 08:21:44
You are the best, Cvetan.
I am a newbie in VR, and without ZEZO, I would have been totally lost, and probably also would have lost interest in virtual sailing. But thanks to Zezo, I am beginning to understand more and more about weathersystems and navigation, and I believe that Zezo will continue to educate me in the future.
I'm a big fan, Cvetan :-) (Donation just made)
Do you have an estimate to when VOR Leg 4 will be available?

Post by iconPost by SRichter | 2015-02-14 | 10:28:29
Congratulations to this amazing software, Cvetan. I'm using it right now, very good. I will make a donation to you, congratulations again.


SRichter - Scarface XIX
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