Post by iconPost by Pieter | 2010-12-09 | 17:54:07

On the Jules Verne, my position is N44 54 35 W8 49 43. The sailing simulator shows 30.2knts at 71 degrees but virtual regatta shows 29.2knts at 67 degrees. This problem seems to have started this morning. Please help! or am I doing something wrong? Thank you for all your efforts it is a great site.

commenticon 6 Comments
Post by iconPost by HENRI | 2010-12-09 | 18:21:44
Since this morning, in effect, the readings are false.
But the values taken for the calculation of the road are apparently accurate (click on the black dots)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-12-09 | 18:26:20
Something went wrong this morning and my weather update failed. I fexed it later, but the displayed winds will be wrong until the next update at 20h.

But only the visible wind is 30.2/71. If you look at the data you'll see 29.2/67, and that's what's used in the calculations.
Post by iconPost by Pieter | 2010-12-09 | 18:27:28
Thanks for the advice
Post by iconPost by Sailkap | 2010-12-09 | 22:22:27
It went wrong again....
Post by iconPost by Sailkap | 2010-12-11 | 22:30:31
And once again
Post by iconPost by Sailkap | 2010-12-11 | 23:36:30
sorry me drunk and setting wrong starting point
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