Post by iconPost by abracadabra_rv | 2010-11-10 | 00:14:17

Since 21.27 my position has not been updates (nor in "my virtual regatta" nor in pacotool)...I had to face a windcase chage at 22.07 and still waiting...¿What to do?... Acta as if the game was working properly or wait till the organiser say something???
Has anyone the same problem?

commenticon 5 Comments
Post by iconPost by gwenan | 2010-11-10 | 00:29:48
Hello abracadabra_Rv here is the boat Sit (very close to you). I have the same problem and the same question....But I have NO answer. I decided to steer a conservative course (nearly due east) for the night. But I think/expect that the boats will not move during the night and that we will start tomorrow (when the "stagiaire" wakes up) where we were at 21.27 !
I'll try to send you a boat message. May be that still works....?????
Post by iconPost by yucatan | 2010-11-10 | 00:31:10
hello,it's the same for me.
Post by iconPost by gwenan | 2010-11-10 | 00:39:55
Here is the boat SIt. Don' worry it's probably/certainly the same for the whole race and may be for the Route du Rhum too!!! That's Virtual Regatta.......
Post by iconPost by gwenan | 2010-11-10 | 01:09:45
00h00 : it works now !
Post by iconPost by Cilaos2 | 2010-11-12 | 00:53:25
Same problem for me. Too bad...
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