Post by iconPost by Irales | 2010-10-19 | 09:17:10

Hello Zezo,

Your polar on Velux do not correspond. They are too generous. Can you rectify them ????

Thank you

commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-19 | 20:13:42
Should be fixed now. In fact only the displayed value was wrong, the value used in the calculation should've been ok.
Post by iconPost by llamedos | 2010-10-19 | 20:48:00
Yes the calc was correct, it was only the displayed speed that was wrong
Post by iconPost by Irales | 2010-10-20 | 01:37:46
Good evening,

Yes everything works in the perfection now.


Thank you very much
Post by iconPost by K2_2266 | 2010-10-20 | 11:41:24
Thx very much for the support in this event.
We'll now see how things develope...

Greets Dirk
Post by iconPost by Laiska | 2010-10-20 | 20:07:16
Yes, it's almost scary how accurate this thing is :). I mean, I guess I've tried most of the routers, even those that you have to pay 1000+ €, but this is easily the most reliable.

But there is a small hickup still. Or sort of. It seems that even though you have the "pro sails" option ticked, the router uses also the "classic" sails. This in itself is OK, the classic sails are indeed available even with the pro sails option, but the game does not change to these automatically.

And since the pro sails polar has some "holes" you do not want to sail in, it would be nice if one could get a "auto pro sails" route for the night shift :).

PS. it would be nice to know your game boat names!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-26 | 19:59:22
I haven't really plotted the polars to check how bad dhe crossover points really are. What you request won't be hard to do, but it should be user selectable. Is the speed difference really that big to be worth new configuration option?
Post by iconPost by Open-Container-III | 2010-10-27 | 10:20:50
Not IMO. Your work is done. Now win this Leg? Go B. Bird!
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