Post by iconPost by TSIONA | 2009-06-07 | 05:52:37

Hi Zezo,
Not really clear (to me) how to trace route upon "".
Is there any advantages to use this method/graphism?
Please your help.Thank you.

commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-06-07 | 10:17:17
Pathtrack pulls the data from

You click routing, then click once to set the starting point, and second time to select the destination.

The only advantage is that more than one route can be displayed in the same time.

Post by iconPost by Vigilante | 2009-06-08 | 06:45:07
Yes, but is it worth the time invested? Maybe I should have tried it this leg before we go in the Channel.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-06-08 | 13:43:41
I was contacted by the author after Leg6 and we shared some ideas, then decided to see how it would work, and it worked, so we released it officially.

In fact it was more of experiment for comparing the performance of browser - based wind/track rendering (the google platform) and server - based processing.

It is interesting to compare predicted tracks of two leading boats in different groups sometimes. but I don't really use it.
Post by iconPost by Vigilante | 2009-06-10 | 03:50:34
Couldn't figure out how to use it. Maybe I didn't take enough time? Maybe it's not worth it?
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2009-06-10 | 00:14:53
Actually I use pathtrack to check if I'm not running aground as the VOR site map is incorrect and the zezo site is a little unclear. Every 10 mins I plot my boat and see if I'm heading for disaster.

Post by iconPost by Stefan | 2009-06-11 | 16:26:18
Pathtrack started out with similar goals as VRTool (which I didn't know about at the time) so the features are more geared to plotting routes and doing measurements and checking the exact position of boats etc.

Displaying Zezo's routes came later as an experiment. The advantage compared to zezo's interface, in addition to showing many tracks, is that you can edit them and see how that affects your time. It's not easy to get a better time, but if the route shows you turning 20 times during the night you might want to see how much you lose if you sleep a little also.

But if you can't run VRTool for some reason or another (Linux, Mac, internet cafe computer, etc.) then it might be worth learning.
Post by iconPost by TSIONA | 2009-06-23 | 20:20:48
Hi Cvetan !
I get different route results using "" and ""pathtrack".
Of course, in both case starting point and destination are the same, and i use identical wind forcasts. The difference could be almost 24 hours.
Am i doing something wrong ?
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