Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-04-18 | 17:05:03


Support for the Transat AG2R is available at (there should also be links from the other pages)

Let's keep this thread for bug reports.

commenticon 10 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-04-18 | 17:08:04
I've finally implemented "exact" polars for this race. That involved some major changes, so expect few glitches here and there.

Please report differences in boat speeds and sail suggestions.
Post by iconPost by natto | 2010-04-18 | 17:29:41
Hi Cvetan. thanks for supporting AG2R. this is my first time back virtual sailing after the volvo. happy to contribute a little $$ support.

Just out of curiosity, do you have any friends in Boston USA? I work with 2 guys from Bulgaria!

Nat May
Post by iconPost by TatavePK | 2010-04-18 | 17:30:47
The simulator gives me to go on the 295°. I see nobody going this way.

Someone can confirm that 295° is OK?

Thanks for the new chart.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-04-18 | 17:38:57
That's TWA 140, so should be fine. But take care for the ground.
Post by iconPost by enzojeanb | 2010-04-18 | 17:54:17
Hi Tatave

I'm going on that heading as well... just dropped 6000 places !!! Hope it pays out... good luck
Post by iconPost by TatavePK | 2010-04-18 | 17:44:04
Ok, wait and see...
Post by iconPost by Michel | 2010-04-18 | 19:55:38
Whith the next wind in 47 -4 (143°_ 0.5) it was a good idea to go 295°
Post by iconPost by SPINDLER | 2010-04-18 | 20:48:47
Bonsoir, Je suis nouveau sur ce jeu, et la vitesse du vent ne correspond pas à celle de AG2R sur VR. Comment est-ce possible? Merci.
Post by iconPost by dockil60 | 2010-04-18 | 21:34:48
Sur Zezo les vents sont en noeuds soit 1,852 km/h
Post by iconPost by uranium | 2010-04-20 | 18:06:08
Bonjour , Sur VR on peu afficher en noeuds ou en km/h , avec le symbole "reglez vos preferences" .
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