Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2009-11-10 | 17:00:12

Zezo, Cvetan, one last request for your excellent program/site.

Would it be possible to program a utility on your site that will the position on the chart just by copy/pasting the position from the "My Profile" page of the MP site? Paco tools has this and, although I do not use this program, I did finf that extremely useful.

I know you already committed a lot of time to this site, making it the best available, but would it be possible to develop such a tool on your site as well.

You would me, and possibly a lot of other users, extremely happy!



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Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-11-10 | 18:00:11
The problem is more that I've got some kind of writer's block. Spending more time wondering if and what features to implement than it would take implementing them.

There is one even better solution that would work for at least some time (that could be months) and I almost have it ready but haven't deployed - The profile pages themselves are not authenticated and it's possible to get the position directly from there. That will work with names for boats that have used the site in the past, and with userID's for the new boats.

But I was wondering all the time if I will continue developing and supporting the service at all, so stopped developing new features entirely.

So I'm still thinking about it ;)
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2009-11-10 | 18:18:43
Thanks for the quick response, Cvetan. I can understand your writers block, the whole Virtual Sailing is getting a bit tedious for me also, especially the long legs like the current 3rd Clipper leg. But every time a new leg is starting I cannot resist participating, so I guess I'm addicted? ;)

Nevertheless, I hope you can find the inspiration to develop such a tool as described above, or at least a copy/paste function as Paco has, which I presume is not against the MP policy as they allow it.

As an incentive I've made another donation and hopefully many of the free riders will follow my initiative, as this tool would benefit all of us!

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-11-10 | 19:36:39
Thanks for the support. Money is part of the problem indeed (it always is ;). Another somehow related problem is that the site popularity went to almost zero after the end of the VORg, but it's gaining slowly, and it starts making some sense again.
Post by iconPost by Frankfurt | 2009-11-16 | 23:49:44
Ooh, Cvetan, we need you!

I will make more donations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As to the popularity: I learned about your tool via the VR Forum. I will try to post there to make you more popular.

just copy and past into PACO TOOL and use the link the PACO will automatically create up in the left corner.

Post by iconPost by Frankfurt | 2009-11-21 | 01:42:21
I made some publicity for you on the VR forums. Did your popularity rise?
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