Post by iconPost by Orcaman | 2009-09-29 | 09:36:45

Hi Cvetan, for a while now actual boat speed is averaging 2-3 knts less than is indicated on Sailing Simulator. Is there a quick fix? I know 'No Going Back' had the same problem then it came right and mine has come right for a little while then back to being off-set.
I have beers organised in Mauritania!


Andrew(Orcaman-Zoot 111)

commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-09-29 | 11:38:45

Are you sure you were at the exact conditions suggested by the simulator - wind speed and TWA?

Sometimes the game interface displays delayed data after wind updates and at wind cell borders, so you get the impression that you are sailing at different wind angle for a while. And in low winds even small differences in TWA make big difference in boat speed.
Post by iconPost by Orcaman | 2009-09-29 | 18:00:45
Hi again, exact co-ordinates were 14 29 and 27 12, TWA 140*, heading 231*. SS showed I should have been doing 8,1 knts but actual was only 6,5 knts. A week or so back it was still fine, I haven't changed anything even methods are the same.
You been sitting at 160ish for a while now, expecting a breeze soon I hope?


Post by iconPost by paco | 2009-09-30 | 00:00:52
maybe , since on the top of the map there are the 3 games , clipper, mini, istambul, you are watching the wrong map.
i say this because some time i watched istambul . the boat are different.
Post by iconPost by Orcaman | 2009-09-30 | 00:56:34
Hi Paco, I had noticed that in the beginning I always(I think)chose the Clipper for the Clipper race etc but now you have me thinking that maybe I was just being to bloody lazy to change!
Hehe, making sure I'm selecting 'Clipper' and everything's on to just get in Cvetan's slipstream.....


Orcaman (Duh!)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2009-09-29 | 19:01:31
I guess it's a problem with the coordinates. It would suggest that 1 minute to the west at 14 30.

I can make the boat names work, but am not sure if it's worth, because MP will probably block it again sooner or later.

Th eastern group will probably gain the lead within a day, so I expect to make it to the top 10 in the next 24 hours, but there are 3300 more miles left to Rio. The route choice seems good so far, but the weather in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (Dolsdrums) is quite unpredictable, so you never know for sure.
Post by iconPost by Paula | 2009-09-30 | 00:44:01
Ooooops!!! I've been using the wrong map! Thanks for picking up on that Paco and thanks Cvetan for your support.

Big Bird doing great in 24th position!

No Going Back
Post by iconPost by paco | 2009-09-30 | 01:20:58

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