News/Status updates

2009-05-18 Added distances from current position and to current destination to the information box.

Changed the Internet Explorer compatibility code. Let me know if something is broken.
Checkbox text now says 'Leave marks to port'. Even non-English non-sailor players should know the meaning of starboard and port by now.
Control-click in Mac OS should now emulate right click. It works that way in Firefox by default but in Safari you could not get the menu without 2-button user interface.

New experimental feature: The simulator can optionally route south of the wind gates.
It is (de)activated by a checkbox in the right click context menu.
It may or may not suggest better route than going straight for the gate, depending on weather conditions.
Compare tracks and decide on your own strategy as usual.
Do not complain if it gives odd results for tracks not quite crossing the line. That is expected behavior.

Changed friends color to blue.
Added button to hide/show friends.
Destination point is indicated by green flag icon.
Fixed the annoying 1-pixel offset bug (in fact it was 0.5 pixel offset bug).

Better handling of the right mouse button in Mac browsers.
Fullscreen charts now display the boat name in the title.

2009-05-11 New version released. Includes the following major features:

  • User-selectable destination point.
  • Fullscreen chart display.
  • Seamless world map with six zoom levels.
  • Wind forecast display with animation.
  • Great circle course.
  • Friends positions and data.
  • Sessions are not cookie based any more. This allows several tabs/windows for different boats.
    The fullscreen page can be bookmarked.

The optimum tracks are now available at Several tracks and sets of isochrones can be seen simultaneously.
The 48h chart was broken for players supposedly within 60 hours to Boston. Fixed.

Boat information panel now minimizes/maximizes on click.

New information window, showing the current (10min ago) data about the selected boat. it should be red if something is wrong - incorrect sail or TWA < 37° or > 150° and green otherwise. Should disappear if clicked. The Forecast fields shows which GFS output is currently in use.
All 12h isochrones are labeled with popup information where the path crosses them.

Removed the rounding of boat positions - it does not work for caching anyway now when the boats are far apart. Suggested heading should vary less.
Fixed web server configuration so now pressing the browser Back button loads the previous page, instead of generating misaligned chart.

Added small dot on the chart for boats in front or near you, whose names names have been typed here in the last 4 hours (red) and their friends (black).
Makes display less boring now when we are headed to the ocean. Let me know if it clutters the chart for you.

2009-04-16 24h and 48h track should be more useful now. They follow the corresponding 168h track instead of trying to go straight to Boston flying trough Brazil, but still get a bit confused around the mark.

2009-04-15 Added wind speed and optimum sail to the popup window. Wind speed seems to be a bit off the one shown in the game. The game rounds the winds down to the nearest table value, so anything between 10 and 12 becomes 10. I found that out some time ago, but used the incorrect function for the production version. Thanks to all the people who notified me within minutes. I am the sole person behind this project (well, and a web designer friend), so the QA job you do for me is appreciated.
Fixed further minor difference of boat polars at the crossover angles 76-79 and 126-129 degrees. Now they should match exactly. Thanks again for pointing that out.

Added Planned features to the Q&A page. Please remind me if I've left something out. It's been a busy week and I got a lot of good feedback - thanks for that.

Changed the lat/lon display format to the in-game one.
Boat positions are cached now. Speeds up updates and will be used to plot other boats on the chart and compare results with people not using the site.
Added popup with basic information. Still needs some polishing.

Added wind grid to the charts. Easy to implement and much requested feature.
Changed the zoom level of the 72h chart to the finer one. 168h chart left on the zoomed out level for overview.

First public beta version.

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