IMOCA Transat CIC (Exclusion Zones question)
Post by iconPost by ESP-1711 RUS | 2024-05-03 | 11:16:59

Hello. Are the Zones marked in Green exclusion areas like the Red ones? So why does zezo's planned route to New York pass through the Green Zone several times? Thank you in advance.

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Post by iconPost by ESP-1711 RUS | 2024-05-03 | 17:14:28
If you enter the exclusion zone (green area / red area), what percentage of speed is penalized? Thanks in advance.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA2 | 2024-05-03 | 22:09:23
70% penalty. You'll do 30% of polar speed.
Post by iconPost by ESP-1711 RUS | 2024-05-04 | 05:04:56
Thank you very much.
Post by iconPost by ESP-1711 RUS | 2024-05-04 | 05:03:47
It seems that the speed penalty is 70%. I have alerted the hippocampus-YCO skipper that is within the grey zone near the Green Exclusion Zone, and her speed is 5 knots at 146 Stbd in 18.6 knots of wind

Post by iconPost by RastaSLO | 2024-05-04 | 18:50:07
It is 70% reduction in speed. But game uses wrong coordinates of the zone or it is rigged. I got penalized 1 mile from the edge of the zone, a bit less out of grey zone, but definetely in legal, blue area. ZEZO can confirm same aswell. He was 1.1 from the zone and got penalized aswell. Lost at least 700 places.
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